6.1. Version 1.08
Below are listed the most notable upgrades and features for LandlordMax version 1.08b.
- A major overhaul of the accounting workarea. The accounting entries now include: Date due, date paid, and date discrepancy. Amount due, amount paid, and amount remaining. Payment type (visa/mc/check/cash/etc.)
- A "Late Fee" button has been added to the accounting entry workarea. The Late Fee button is only available for entries that are not themselves late fees. Pressing the Late Fee button will create a new accounting entry with exactly the same settings except that the category will be Late Fee, the description will be "Late Fee: " plus your description, and the amounts will be empty.
- The accounting entry will now display the address information of the tenant in the tenant combo box.
- Selecting the tenant when no building and/or unit has been selected will automatically select the building and/or unit for you, and vice versa (this is also available in the workorder entry screen).
- The accounting lists (main and tabbed panels) now contains three filters to filter the list of accounting entries depending on what is interesting to you. The filters are by date, by accounting type (all, income only, or expense only), and/or by a specific category.
- The accounting workarea now contains an extra tabbed panel called "Accounting Color Codes" which lets you define (with custom colors) how late or early an accounting entry is.
- The rows of the accounting list are highlighted with three colors, red meaning an entry is past due, green meaning not due yet (early), and yellow meaning that the entry is only partially paid.
- The accounting list will now always display an extra row at the bottom with the total of all the accounting entries displayed.
- Many new reports have been added, making the number of total reports over 100. The new reports are divided into three main areas: those related to late accounting entries (including late rents), cashflow, and lists of expired leases.
- All existing accounting reports have been adjusted to display the new accounting columns, space permitting.
- Export and import from Quicken and MS Money (as well as any other software that provides import and export features to QIF files) are now available through the Database Management workarea of the application. The added entries will appear in the suggested accounting entries tabbed panel in the accounting workarea for you to accept or delete.
- You can now select multiple rows in any table within the software to apply an action (for example the delete button).
- A priority status has been added to the "To Do" and "Workorder" entries.
- The software will now automatically ask you if you want to backup your database when you upgrade to a newer version of LandlordMax.
- The software will randomly ask you if you want to backup your database one out of every four times when you close the application.
- Predictive typing is now provided for the city, state, and country entry fields in all the workareas (ie. the software will search for already entered values and suggest those if they are appropriate).
- The license key has been modified to make it more readable.
- Small enhancements to the general look and feel to make the software's user interface consistent across different versions of Windows.
- And a number of other small enhancements...