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Release Notes

Release notes for all versions of LandlordMax

1. Cloud Edition

1.1. Cloud Edition


The Cloud Edition is the web based online Edition of LandlordMax which you can access from any computer with an internet connection.

Along with being web based the new Cloud Edition also offers a number of new major features that aren't available in the installed Editions. These new features include small things such as the ability to search on any column in all the tables to major new features such as being able to create your own custom reports and printouts!! Below is a quick highlight of some of the more important differences to make your transition as smooth and easy as possible (explained in more detail in the next sections):

The link to the new Cloud Edition is https://app.landlordmax.com

Please note that although the software works on mobile devices such as iPads, etc. that we do NOT yet officially support mobile devices because the screens are not optimized for smaller displays such as an iPhone or Android phone. The software officially supports Windows and Mac OS X computers. That being said our goal is to have full mobile support in the near future.

The price of the Cloud Edition is going to be $1 USD/unit/month with a minimun of $10 USD/mth. You can however run it on as many computers as you wish. If you very recently purchased the software please contact us as it may be entitled to receive a credit towards the Cloud Edition (credits are based on the date of purchase and units managed within the software). That being said we are offering a 30 day trial to the Cloud Edition to everyone! Just keep in mind however that any work done in the Cloud Edition CANNOT be transferred back to the other Editions such as the Desktop Edition and so on therefore if you decide to stay with your current Edition instead of the Cloud Edition you may have to re-enter the same data in your current Edition.

And without further ado here is the details list of new features in order that you're most likely to encounter them. 




LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Dashboard


When you login for the first time you'll notice that you're immediately presented with a Dashboard screen, which is the first new feature you'll see of the Cloud Edition. The Dashboard contains a 12-month trailing Profit & Loss chart at the top to give you an idea of the performance of your portfolio.

Below the chart you'll find a small list of Notices. Although we expect to add new types of notices in the future there are currently 6 types of notices you can find in the Notices table. The first two are basic LandlordMax notices (basically important messages from us). After that the remaining Notices are all about your portfolio, ranging from late payments, expiring leases, vacancies, and new tenant's moving in notification.




LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Navigation


The next thing you'll probably notice is that the navigation buttons have been moved from the left side to the top of the screen. This is because we've been able to take advantage of how websites work to improve the navigation of the system. The main sections and actions are found at the top through the blue buttons.


LandlordMax Rental Property Software - Cloud Edition Preferences

The preferences and other related items you change less frequently are found on the top right under your name (the logout is also located here). The import/export for QIF files can be found under the Tools menu. The Templates is a completely NEW section and it's where the system and report templates are located. This is where you can create your own custom reports as well as edit the system templates such as the workorder template, the invoice template, and so on !!! This will be covered later on. In essence not only can you manage and customize your reports but you can also customize the invoices, receipts, workorders, etc.

Please note that report customization does require some technical knowledge of html/css as well as the templating engine. For those of you who are already famliar with html/css you will find the templating engine easy to learn because the biggest challenge is knowing html/css. You can also work with your own local webpage designer to customize your reports, system templates, etc. since it's the same technologies used to create webpages. And for those who are not familiar with html/css, don't have a website designer, or would just rather have us create the custom reports for you, we are now offering consulting services to help you create custom reports and templates. 




LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Tables 


The Cloud Edition expands the power of the tables by adding searching/filtering on ALL columns in ALL tables in the software where appropriate. In other words you can now search by any column for any data. You can search for any part of the data. For example if you just know the firstname of the tenant you can search by the tenant's firstname. In the screenshot below you can see it seaching/filtering the fields so that only Accounting Entries with the word "Fee" in it appear in the table. And yes you can search/filter by multiple columns. In some cases such as dates the software allows you to set a date range, so for example you can limit the data to just today, this week, this month, last month, this year, and so on.


LandlordMax Real Estate Software - Cloud Edition Search


You can find the actions to perform on the right side of the screen. So for example if you want to create a new Accounting Entry you can click on the New button on the right. If you want to enter in a Partial Payment for an existing entry you first select it in the main table and then you can just click on the Partial Payment button and the software will proceed to enter in a partial payment for you. In some cases where you want to perform the action on multiple items all at once you can select them by clicking on the checkbox on the left of the table. 

And just like the Installed Editions (Desktop Edition, Soho Edition, etc.) the software will remember which columns you selected, the widths of the columns, and so on. The software will remember everything except the search/filtering values because it doesn't make sense to remember these long term (for example if you search for the amount 56.32 you probably don't want to limit the entries to that amount the next time you go to the accounting table).


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Color Codes


You can also expect the entries in the table to remain color coded. In the case of the Accounting Entries the amounts are color coded based on whether the entry is a revenue or an expense. The Cloud Edition also now puts a strike through NSF entries to show that they are NSF and not added in the totals. Please note that in the Cloud Edition there is a new NSF checkbox rather than you having to enter in NSF for the Amount Paid.


Table Editing


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Table Editing release notes


A major new feature in the Cloud Edition is the ability to edit entries directly in the table. To edit an entry you can just doubleclick on the row you want to edit. The software will then give you the ability to edit the values for that row. *Please note that some values may not be editable depending on column and table (For example you cannot edit the amount for a receipt directly in the table because the amount is calculated based on the line items and not an entered in value. You also cannot edit the notes column on most tables because the notes is a big text box that would not fit in the row editor). Once you've made the edits you wish you can then either click on the Save button to save your edits or you cancel them by clicking on the Cancel button (the Escape key will also Cancel your edits). 


Data and Form Screens are separated


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Accounting Entries Data View


LandlordMax Rental Property Software - Cloud Edition Accounting Entry Form View


New to the Cloud Edition is that you now have a Data View and a Form View. In other words instead of always having a form like you currently have in LandlordMax you have the ability to decide if you want to view a data item such as Accounting Entry, a Tenant, etc., or if you want to edit it. The data view includes not only the data about say just the tenant, but also the tabbed panels from the Installed Editions whereas the Form View limits you to only editing the data about that specific form. This has been done to reduce the number of potential conflicts for multi-user systems and to streamline your workflow.


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition SubPanels


The next big improvement with the Cloud Edition is the tabbed panels. In fact they are no longer called tabbed panels but rather they are now called SubPanels. The reason being is that instead of tabs we've added them as SubPanels so that you can open and view multiple SubPanels at the same time. For example the above screenshots show the Tenant's Data View with the Tenant's Contact SubPanel open so that you can see all their Contacts. Keep in mind that as these are tables you can again select which columns to display, search/filter on any column, edit the entries directly in the table, and so on. And again you can have multiple SubPanels open at the same time. 


LandlordMax Real Estate Rental Software - Cloud Edition SubPanel Actions


You can find the actions you can perform for each SubPanel just above the table for that SubPanel (as shown in the above screenshot). You can for example create a New Accounting Entry right there and it will bring you to a new Accounting Entry Form, in this case with the Tenant already selected for you. 

Some SubPanels have additional actions such as the Documents and Pictures. In the Pictures SubPanel you can upload new pictures, view a slideshow of the pictures, and so on. In fact we've improved the ability to export pictures in that instead of having to export all pictures you can select which ones you want to export and the software will package them all together in a zipped file for your convenience.


Built-in Word Processor


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Word Processor


The Cloud Edition introduces a built-in word processor for you to help manage your documents, lease agreements, etc. You can of course continue to store existing PDF and DOCX document files, but in addition there is a new LLMAX document type which you can use within the software. When a LandlordMax document is emailed it is converted to a PDF so that the recipient can view just like any other file without needing any special software. The main benefit of this new document type is that you can store, manage, and edit it directly within the software system. 



Custom reporting is going to be covered in the next section, but before we get to custom reporting it's important to cover how the new reporting system works.


LandlordMax Real Estate Rental Software - Cloud Edition Reporting System


When you first enter the new reporting system you will be presented with a drop down menu to select the report you want to run. You can use either the mouse to select from the list of available reports or you can also just start typing in the report name and the software will start to filter the list of available reports based on what you type.


LandlordMax Property Rental Software - Cloud Edition Report Filter


The list of report is directly taken from your list of Report Templates under the Report Templates menu (explained in the Custom Reporting section). Because you can now create and/or customize your own reports this means you can also edit and modify the default reports that come with LandlordMax to be exactly what you want. In other words the Report Names can be adjusted to your liking. 

By default the software will provide you with all the reports from the Installed Editions with a few changes. First we've added several new reports including accounting reports based on payment type. But much more significant the Profit & Loss and Cashflow reports have been combined into a much more comprehensive Profit & Loss report where you can view the changes on a monthly or yearly basis (more on that later). The new Profit & Loss report was designed based on feedback and requests from you.

In addition the reports themselves have all also gotten a major facelift. One of the biggest change is that the reports now wrap the text in the columns if there isn't enough space for the information to fit in a column rather than end with the three periods. We've made this change again due to feedback from you.

By default your letterhead will continue to be included in all reports, but again since all reports are completely customizable you can decide whether or not you want this option. *Please note that you need to include the token ${letterhead} for the letterhead to appear in your report (explained in the Report Templates section).


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Report Actions


All reports can be emailed, printed, downloaded as PDF files, or downloaded as a CSV files. The CSV file export has been completely re-designed to make it much more intuitive and simple. Not only that but the CSV export feature now includes all appropriate data for each row rather than just what's included in the report. In other words you will get the full data on the CSV output, not just the data for each column but all possible columns, even those not included in the actual report. 

As part of creating your own custom reports you will also be able to pick which values are used to generate the reports. For example in the above screenshot the Start Date and End Date are defined by you as part of creating your custom reports. In other words you select the criteria for the report, whether it's a date range, a specific tenants, only current tenants, etc. Everything is controlled by you.

You also control if there is a chart in the report design therefore there is no longer a need to select the type of chart, this is all defined in the report setup.


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Report Generation


The generated report will then appear in the built-in word processor just below the action buttons. In the above screenshot we can see that we ran an accounting report for the first quarter of 2018. Although the data is very limited so that we can make the example easier to understand, notice the greyed out line. By default NSF Accounting Entries now appear as grey out line items in the reports and are NOT added to any of the totals. You can of course customize this but by default this is how they are now treated.

Because the report is generated into the built-in word processor this means you can now do some post report generation editing before printing, email, etc. the report. You can add a special comment at the top, at the bottom, and so on. You can adjust how the report looks. You can basically do any post editing you wish. ***Please note that this is a word processor and NOT a spreadsheet therefore if you adjust any of the numbers the totals will NOT be recalculated, just like if you edit a value in a Microsoft Word document. Again this is a word processor document and NOT a spreadsheet. 

In any case now that the report has been generated you can make any post processing edits and they will appear in the printout, the emailed PDF, and the downloaded PDF. Please note that NO edits will appear in the CSV file because this is the raw data for the report. Screenshots of the print, download, email, etc. have been omitted as they are fairly standard looking web based interfaces.


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Profit And Loss Report


There are 10 different types of reports you can generate. They are: Accounting reports, Profit & Loss reports, Check reports, Lease reports, Rent Roll reports, Security Deposit reports, Tenant reports, Vacancy reports, Workorder reports, and Landlord reports. Each type of report has different capabilities. As mentioned earlier the Profit & Loss and Cashflow reports were merged into a new Profit & Loss report format which you can see in the above screenshot. As you will quickly notice you can now easily compare the different totals over time. The above report is very small to make it easily fit in the screenshot but it can be quite comprehensive depending on your data.

Another change to the default reports is the Tenant Statement. The Tenant Statement report now includes both what has been paid AND what is still owed, and separates the two lists so that it is obvious what is outstanding in the SAME report. As part of overhauling the report system we have also done some other minor improvements to other reports and added some new reports. 




LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Automations List


Another section that has had a major overhaul is the Automations section. Currently we offer two Automations but expect many more to come in the future. They are they ability to run the reports for all your tenants or landlords in one step rather than having to run them one by one for each tenant or landlord. In other words if you want to run a report such as the Tenant Statement for all your tenants then you can run generate all the Tenant Statement reports in one single step!! The same is true if you're a property manager or property management company where you need to run reports for all your clients (landlords). 

**The great benefit of the Automations is that it is able to pick up your relevant custom reports and include them within the list of reports you can automate. 


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Automation Report Selection


The above screenshot shows the default reports that can be automated for your tenants. The default list of reports for landlords is about 5-6 times more extensive because there is a variation of almost all reports available for the different property owners needed by property managers and property management companies. 


LandlordMax Rental Property Software - Cloud Edition Automation Settings


Using the Tenant Statement as an example you will then be presented with two sections of options. The first section is where you select the report and which tenants will be included for the Automation. The default and recommended setting is "All tenants with data only" which means the report will only include reports which have data. In other words if a tenant has no information within the specified report settings then it will not be included in the outputted reports. This is very helpful because you only generate the reports you need and don't have a lot of extra reports that have no value. We have included additional settings due to feedback and feature requests but please note that if you select Current tenants that if you have a tenant that has moved out but still has data they will NOT be included in the generated reports, hence why we recommend the default settings of All tenants with data only. It's very easy for a recently moved out tenant to have data but not appear if you limit the Automation to only current tenants. The second section is the specific report's settings that have to be configured for the report.




The email system has been completely re-done for the Cloud Edition because the Cloud Edition is an online web based service. The software can no longer rely on connecting to your email account directly and using it to send emails. This is just not feasible in a cloud based system, there are too many security issues. With installed software such as the Desktop Edition your computer and IP address have most likely already been approved by your email service but our servers have not (for each of your accounts). But not only that, and more importantly, many freemail services such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. have limits on the number of emails that can be sent from specific computers, and if everyone is trying to send emails from the same freemail services then the limits will be quickly reached and emails will be blocked. This is in addition to a number of other technical and security issues if we tried to send emails from your accounts directly.

Therefore we are now offering two options for email delivery. The default option is included as part of the Cloud Edition and will result in all emails being sent from our email servers on your behalf. In essence they will look and behave as though they were sent by you but under the seams the emails will be coming from our LandlordMax email system. The reply email address and the display name will be yours and everything will appear to be from you for all intents and purposes, even if the emails are sent from us on your behalf. Your tenants, landlords, etc. will not see the emails were sent from us on your behalf, they will instead see that the email came from you and when they click on reply they will reply to your email address directly. 

With that in mind there are going to be caps on the total number of emails you can send per day. This is standard of almost all email services, including all freemail services such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc. Generally most freemail services have caps of about 200-250 emails per day. Our email caps are based on the number of units your account is setup for, keeping in mind that the price is per unit. Most people should not reach anywhere near the limits but we felt it is important to state just in case some people decide to start mass emailing out thousands of potential tenants, for that you'd need to use your own email service/account outside of LandlordMax.

That being said we are going to offer an add-on email service for those who want both whitelabelling and higher email caps. In other words if you wish to have all emails sent from your own email address (whitelabelling), that is the from email address is also yours, then you can decide to include the add-on email service starting at $50/mth (price is dependent on portfolio size and number of expected emails). Please note that this service is NOT available for freemail accounts (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) because it requires you have control of the domain from which the emails are sent because you will be required to add three CNAME entries to your DNS records. This is required so that we can guarantee high delivery rates with whitelabelling, and in fact you will most likely see a much higher than your current email delivery rates. 


System Templates 


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Custom Templates Menu


The next biggest feature of the Cloud Edition is the ability to create your own custom reports and system templates (workorders, invoices, etc.). You can find all the System Templates (Workorder, Invoices, Letterhead, etc.) under the System Templates menu and all the Report Templates under the Report Templates menu. For simplicity we're going to cover System Templates first as this is the simpler of the two templating systems. 


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition System Template Select


When you first arrive at the System Templates screen you will be asked to select which System template you want to edit. All the System Templates are similar except for the Letterhead because the Letterhead doesn't require the reporting engine. In other words the Letterhead System Template is just html and css therefore you are presented with two options to view the template, either in the built-in word processor or as html and css source code. We recommend the built-in word processor for those of you who are less technical.


LandlordMax Real Estate Software - Cloud Edition Letterhead Template


Just below where you selected the Letterhead System Template you can see two buttons. The first is Show Source and this allows you to view the Letterhead as html and css rather than work in the built-in word processor. This is generally either for people who are more comfortable working in html/css or for when you are trying to do more advanced formatting. 

** For existing customers who transition to the Cloud Edition the transition software will try it's best to convert from the previous single image letterhead to this new html/css format. Please note however that we do NOT guarantee the result, this is a best attempt effort as some people have very complex letterheads and as a result you may have to adjust the letterhead or re-implement it. If your letterhead is more complex or you wish to improve it then you can either hire a local webpage programmer or look at our consulting services. Please also note that in some cases the software may deem it not possible to convert your letterhead as part of the conversion process due to the complexity of your letterhead at which point you will need to convert the letterhead yourself. 

Getting back to the Letterhead Template if you wish to include an image you need to click on the Add Image button which will allow you to select an image. Please keep in mind that there is a total 1mb size cap for System Templates therefore it is important that you keep your logo images compact in size, which is expected of letterheads anyways.


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition System Template Example


All other reports are coded in a combination of html/css and the Apache FreeMarker. In essence Apache FreeMarker is a template engine which allows you to replace certain tokens with their actual values. So for example for the invoice template the token ${invoice.landlord.name} is replaced with the landlord's name (for that invoice). Another example would be ${invoice.startDate?date} which replaces that token with the invoice's start date. You may have noticed the additional "?date" at after the Start Date, this is required by the template engine so that it knows the value is a date. 

This section is only going to briefly cover the templating system, the full documentation is going to be available with the full public release, therefore if you're going to edit any System Templates we do ask that you do so carefully, and preferably make backups before starting. We can of course assist you if there are issues but please keep in mind that free technical support is going to be limited when it comes to customizing System Templates and Reports. If you wish to have more involved assistance we will of course offer consulting services, but due to the fact that this is a form of programming and that it is possible to create incredibly complex reports, we do have to limit what is included with free support. To give you an analogy it's the same as buying Microsoft Word and asking Microsoft to help you write your novel. We will do our best to assist you but we cannot write your novel for you, that falls under consulting services. And of course you can always work with local talent, there are many webpage designers who can assist you in creating your own custom templates.

Getting back to the templating engine, all values for the templates are what you see on the screen. So for example if the Data View (or Form) has a field called "End Date" then that value will be available in camel case, which means that "End Date" would be "endDate". If it's the value to another item, such as an invoice, then it will be invoice.endDate (the two are linked by a period). 

To keep this document simplified we'll refer you to the Apache FreeMarker documentation on how to display lists of data and so on (for example lists of accounting entries) as well as conditions (for example if an accounting entry is NSF), etc. 

*Please keep in mind that if you change a System Template that you may need to reload the page to have the System Template updated. In other words if you edit the Invoice System Template and you're on the Invoice screen you may need to reload the Invoice screen to see the new Invoice System Template changes.

In addition to the above the software always includes the Management Company information and Letterhead template within the System Templates in case you need to use these values. So for example in the default Invoice System Template there is a check to see if the Management Company has a name or address, and if so then it will use the Management Company settings otherwise it will use the Landlord for the From section of the Invoice. In any case the Management Company and Letterhead is always provided to the System Templates. 

As well the software has some additional hooks so that your date format preference is always used for all dates in the System Templates and Report Templates, which means you don't have to specify your prefered date format in any template. Similarly we've created some helpers such as LandlordMaxCurrency so that the numbers are all nicely formatted as currency values. You can of course choose to do something different but by default these have been added for your convenience.


Report Templates


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Report Template List


** Please note that the intention of the release notes is to give you a quick introduction to new features and not to be a full user manual. More information and details will be provided in the user manual when the Cloud Edition is publicly available.

When you first enter the Report Templates section you will be presented with a list of all available reports. The Report Templates are very much the same as your Accounting Entries, Tenants, etc. in that they are data that you can select to edit, view, delete, create new entries, and so on. 

Again there are 10 different types you can generate. They are: Accounting reports, Profit & Loss reports, Check reports, Lease reports, Rent Roll reports, Security Deposit reports, Tenant reports, Vacancy reports, Workorder reports, and Landlord reports. The second column shows the Report Type. Each report type has different capabilities. For example the accounting reports will provide you with lists of Accounting Entries based on the report settings. Conversely the Lease reports will provide you with a list of Leases based on the report settings. And of course each type of report has different settings. For example for the Accounting Entry reports you can ask the person to select a Category whereas for a Lease report you can ask them to select a Lease Begin Date. It's not just select but you can also define for example if the Lease Begin Date should be equal, greater than, less than, and so on (for example a Start Date). You can label the report settings to be whatever you want, such as Start Date, End Date, etc., it doesn't have to be the same name as the setting. Lastly you can also define how the report data is sorted, that is by which property (date, amount, name, etc.).


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Report Template View


When you click to view a report you will be presented with above screen which consists of several sections. The first section Report Type tells you the type of report, which in the example above says that this specific report is an accounting report.

The second section, Name, is the name you assign to this report. This is the name that will be used in the report menu when you go to select which report to run.

The next section called Where is the report settings. Keep in mind that this is the data view from a saved Report Template, in essence this is the list of reports settings for this report. Therefore in the example above to run this report you would need to select three report settings. The first is which Category for the report (hence the name Accounting entries for a Category). Each setting shows the setting on which the condition is applied, the condition, and lastly the setting name. Using the second setting we want all Accounting Entries that have a Date Paid after or equal to the Date value entered (which is label Start Date). The third setting states that the Date Paid for the Accounting Entries must be before or equal to the date entered by the user (labelled as End Date). 

And finally we have the sorting options. In the example above we just sort by Date Paid so that the Accounting Entries are ordered by the date they were paid. You can sort by multiple items, for example first by date and the amount, the sorting options are up to you. If you want to generate a report grouped by something report you will want to first sort by whatever is grouped. So for example if you wanted the report above to be grouped by Category you would first sort by Category so that all Accounting Entries for a Category are grouped together.

Then depending on the type of report you may have a Chart Type where you can select to include a chart. This option is only available were appropriate and what is charted is based on the type of report as well as what type of chart is selected.

Lastly you have the actual html/css and templating code to generate the report. For the purposes of the Release Notes we're just going to do a cursory coverage of the Report Template code. 

That being said the code for the above report first consists of all the css styles. Any webpage designer should be able to understand and modify css styles. Following the css styles and some basic html you will find the first interesting bit of code which is ${letterhead} The code ${letterhead} is a placeholder (also known as a token) for where your letterhead will be placed in the report (the letterhead comes from the Letterhead System Template). 

The next interesting tidbit (after some more html) is ${category.name} The software will include all report sections from the report as their own item. Since we have asked for a Category to be selected the Report Template will include the selected Category using the label we defined (which in this case is Category but had we named it "My Category" for example then it would be myCategory.name). You can then select what properties you want to display in the report for the selected Category. So for example if we wanted to display the description instead of the name we would instead use ${category.description}. 

Just a few lines later we see the report setting dates displayed. Keeping in mind that we use the label, the dates are displayed using ${startDate} and ${endDate}. The exact code is: <b>Dates:</b>&nbsp;${startDate} to ${endDate}<br/> The <b> is to indicate bolding and the &nbsp; is to guarantee a space (<b> and &nbsp; is html code). 

Moving on the next interesting part piece of code is ${chart} which is the placeholder if you selected to include a chart in the report. You can only include this placeholder if a chart is selected for the report. The software will replace the placeholder ${chart} with the report generated chart. 

We then move onto the <#assign> tags which is part of the templating engine. <#assign> basically allow you to assign values to variables. In this particular report we create two variables, one called amountDueTotal and another called amountPaidTotal, and we initialize them to 0. These variables will be used to calculate totals for the reports.

Since this is a list of accounting entries we then create an html <table>. Yes it is possible to use <div> tags but we do recommend using tables as the html rendering engine supports a subset of css styles and elements for security reasons. For example you cannot include Javascript code within the Report Template for security reasons. Similarly the functionality of <div>'s is limited for security reasons.

Once the table header has been defined we then start to loop through the list of Accounting Entries with <#list accoutingEntries as accountingEntry> For all accounting reports you will be provided with a list of accountingEntries generated from running the report with your settings, which in our examples means accountingEntries for the selected Category with the Date Paid between the Start Date and End Date. We use the "as" option to make it easier to read the template code. In programming you generally need to define the scope of items, in this case the loop, and to do this you add </#list> to indicate that everything between these two items is to be generated for EACH Accounting Entry in the report.

The next lines may seem to be complicated but once you understand them they're a lot less complicated. Again editing or creating your own Report Templates requires html and css knowledge therefore we assume you are already familiar with these. That being said each <td> is a column within the table and everything between <td> and </td> is the content of that column for that row. Within the <td> there is a class property which we use to define if the column is going to be right or left align along with other possible css styles. For the accounting reports we also now grey out the line if it's NSF as well as include a strike through, therefore to do this we do a check if the Accounting Entry is NSF and if so we apply the nsf style. Specifically we do ${accountingEntry.nsf?then('nsf','')}. What this means is that we check if the entry is NSF with ${accountingEntry.nsf} and if so it will add 'nsf' to the style otherwise leave it as is.

We then proceed to display the data item for that column. For the Date Due field we ${(accountingEntry.dateDue?date)!} This is a bit more complex than just ${accountingEntry.dateDue} but this is because we have to add extra logic just in case the accounting entry has no date for that field (for example the Date Due is empty). The "?date" portion tells the templating engine to expect a date type. The software has additional logic to automatically format any dates to your Date Preference. The parenthesis and ! is to say that if the date is empty (you never entered a Date Due for that entry) then just leave it blank. If the value is simple such as the description column you can just use ${accountingEntry.description}.

To display the amounts in a nicely formatted way, such as 1,000.23 (comma and period) you need to add "?string.@LandlordMaxCurrency" as part of the token, such that you would have ${accountingEntry.amountDue?string.@LandlordMaxCurrency} If you don't include the formatting you will display the amount in pennies.

Since we're trying to get a total at the end of the report we then also want to add the amountDue and amountPaid values to our totals. For the Amount Due we do <#assign amountDueTotal += accountingEntry.amountDue> which basically says add the current Accounting Entry's Amount Due to the amountDueTotal variable.

Finally once all items are displayed we then add one last totals row to the table. Without going into the html/css it is good to change the style for the last row so that you know it's a table. You can use cellspan's, etc. but to keep the reports simpler for people with less html knowledge we decided to just define each column in the Report Templates. In any case this is where we finally display our totals. For the Amount Due we have ${amountDueTotal?string.@LandlordMaxCurrency} As you will quicly see it's just ${amountDueTotal} but with the added formatting information so that it's a currency amount with comma's and the period for the cents portion.

We then finish and close off the table in the html code.

Again this may look complex, especially if you don't know html or css as knowledge of these are assumed, but if not any webpage programmer should be able to assist you. And of course we will be offering consulting services if you prefer we create and/or customize the reports for you directly. As well you can copy a Report Template and just change it rather than try to create your own report to start with. 

** Please note that you will need to reload the Reports page to see any changes you make to the Report Templates.


LandlordMax Property Rental Software - Cloud Edition Report Template Form 


Above is a screenshot of the form view for the Report Template. It is essentially the same as the Data View except this is where you edit all the Report Template settings. Again the Report Template is divided into several different sections as described above. The main thing to notice is that there are + and - buttons for the Where and Sort options, which is so that you can add or remove additional settings as required. So for example the report Accounting Entries for a category for a landlord is essentially the same Report Template except that the Landlord setting is also added as shown in the screenshot below:


LandlordMax Property Rental Software - Cloud Edition Report Template Additional Settings


Keep in mind that because the Landlord setting was added to this Report Template that this report is now available under the Automation which will run reports for landlords. The software will automatically realize that you can run this report for a Landlord and add it to the appropriate Automation. If you had added a Tenant then it would be added it to the Automations that runs reports for Tenants.

Please note that the order in the Where Report Settings is the order in which they will appear when you go to run the report.  Therefore in the example for the report "Accounting Entries for a category for a landlord" the report screen has the following appearance:


LandlordMax Property Management Software - Cloud Edition Report Template Report


When you don't need to enter in any information for the Report Setting the software will omit it from the Report screen. So for example if you were to create a report called "Accounting entries for this year" and had the Report Setting for the field Date Paid to be "this year" then there is no need to show the date Report Setting because only Accounting Entries for this year are to be included as shown below:


LandlordMax Property Rental Software - Cloud Edition Report Template No Field Required



As you can see the custom reporting system is very flexible and allows you to generate all kinds of reports. Different types of reports have different settings, options, and values. The details for each report will be provided in the user manual, and of course you can always look at the existing reports for examples of what is possible. The Copy button takes an existing report and makes a copy for you, which is a good way to start creating a new custom report.

Again please note that it is expected that you have html/css knowledge to be able to edit and create your own custom reports, or that you have someone who can do this assist you. 

** IMPORTANT NOTES -> If there is an error in the Report Template you will be presented with an error message when trying to run the report with some information as to what the error is. We strongly recommend you look at these error messages to help debug any Report Template issues. As well please note that if you make a change to a report that you will need to reload the Report itself for the changes to appear in the report. 




The license has been adjusted to match the new cost structure of the Cloud Edition in that the number of users or computers on which you use the software is no longer limited, you can use the software on any computer and you can create as many users as you wish for your account. This is because the cost structure of the Cloud Edition is directly related to the number of units you manage, and as such the price of the Cloud Edition is based on the number of units. The minimum monthly price is $10/mth.

**Important -> The Units section for multi-unit Buildings is now located under the Building view with the other SubPanels rather than its own section. This was done to simplify the navigation and process and make it more obvious that Units need to be assigned for multi-unit Buildings. 

Please note that in the initial release of the Cloud Edition that the User Types from the Installed Edition are not available, all Users are equal within the software. We are expecting to add different levels of Users but they will be different then the User Types in the current installed Editions such as the Soho Edition and higher. We are planning on expanding User Management significantly but the development is still ongoing and as such will be released at a later date. 

Please note that the Templates section from the Installed Editions has been omitted from the Cloud Edition. We have done this because we are planning on offering the ability for the software to create documents such as lease agreements based on document templates (much like System Templates and Report Templates). Due to time constraints it was not possible to include this in the initial release of the Cloud Edition but it is expected in the near future. However because this section of the software will be completely overhauled the data from the Installed Editions will not be transfered to the Cloud Edition.

We've added a Timezone setting for your account so that all the scheduled entries can be calculated and generated based on your timezone rather than where our servers are located. As part of transitioning your data we have done our best to select your timezone but we do ask that you confirm the timezone you want was selected. You can always change it in the settings options after the fact.

Lastly I will take a moment to mention that there are also many new small improvements that are not listed here. These include simple things such as adding Notes text boxes on some screens to moving the ability to flag an accounting entry as NSF by clicking on an NSF checkbox rather than entering NSF in the Amount Paid field. 

And with that we welcome you to the new Cloud Edition!!! We look forward to hearing your feedback and input on the Cloud Edition.


2. Version 11.05

2.1. Version 11.05

Accounting Entries Table Customization  

It is now possible to select which columns you want to appear in the main Accounting Table as well as the Suggested and Scheduled Accounting Entries tabbed panels. This includes not only selecting the widths and sorting as before, but also which columns you want to display and hide, as well as what order the columns should appear in. The printout from the table will also respect these values. Any adjustments and modifications are automatically remembered and saved by software.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Customize accounting entries view


The software includes the ability to manage and print Checks. In addition the checks can be generated directly from the Accounting Entries by just selecting which entries you need checks for. The software is smart enough to combine multiple different Accounting Entries together where appropriate so that you can generate the least amount of checks. So for example if you have three Accounting Entries all going to the same vendor at the same time, then the software will print just one Check with the full amount and include the individual entries as line items in the Check's Statement.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Create checks from Accounting Entries

All checks can be viewed in the new Checks Section, as well as edited, re-printed, etc. As well all relevant data types (Tenants, Landlords, etc.) can view relevant checks in the new Checks tabbed panels in their own Sections.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Check data entry screen

Any type of check can be used within the software by customizing the Check printout and layout in the Preferences Section. With that in mind LandlordMax has partnered with CompuChecks.com so that the default Check printing and layout settings will work out of the box with Checks ordered from them. You can select LandlordMax from their list of software to get the appropriate Checks. And again, any Check can be used if you wish to customize the Check layout within the software.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Customize the printout of checks

Document Management  

You can now store documents and files with Tenants, Landlords, etc. The software supports Word Docx and PDF files.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Document Support

All documents can be viewed directly from within the software as well as printed, exported, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: View Document

There is also a new Template Section within the software which allows you to store template documents to use later such as default lease agreements, eviction notices, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Document Templates


The software has a new Section called Automations which allows specific tasks to be automated. In this release there is currently one automation (more are planned for the future) which allows a property manager and/or property management company to generate all the reports for their clients in one step. They can select to either run all the reports according to the specific settings for one Landlord or if they choose for ALL their Landlords (all Current clients) in one step. If you have hundreds of clients this can generate all the reports you need in one step! You can also save the settings for the next time.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Automation of Tasks

Improved Partial Payments  

A new Partial button has been added to the Accounting Section which when selected will allow you to automatically apply a partial payment to an existing Accounting Entry. In addition to creating a new Accounting Entry based on the existing one, it will also modify the selected Accounting Entry to remove the partial payment from it.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Partial Payment

Scheduled Maintenance  

The Workorders Section now includes both Scheduled and Suggested Workorders so that you can pre-schedule regular maintenance, Workorders, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Scheduled Workorders and regular maintenance

Today For Suggested Entries  

A new Today button has been added to the Suggested Accounting Entries, Suggested Workorders, and Suggested Receipts tabbed panel so that in addition to being able to Accept entries when they are due, you can also now accept them Today.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Today Button For Suggested Entries

Copy Accounting Entries  

A new Copy button has been added to the Accounting Entries which allows you to copy the selected or currently being edited Accouting Entry, including every single field. This is especially useful if you have fairly common entries that you need to replicate on a regular basis.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Copy Accounting Entries

Twenty New Reports  

Many new reports have been added to this version of LandlordMax:

  • Checks for All
  • Checks for Tenant
  • Checks for Landlord
  • Checks for Management
  • Checks for Vendor
  • Checks for Account
  • Checks by Tenant
  • Checks by Landlord
  • Checks by Vendor
  • Checks by Account
  • Profit & loss
  • Profit & loss for building
  • Profit & Loss for landlord
  • Accounting entries grouped by vendor
  • Accounting entries grouped by vendor for one landlord
  • Tenant Profile
  • Mailing Labels for tenants
  • Mailing Labels for landlords
  • Mailing Labels for tenants for a building

Mailing Labels  

It's now possible to print mailing labels for tenants and landlords directly from within the software. This includes the ability to print mailing labels based on status (for example all "Current" Tenants or Landlords) as well as the ability to print just Tenants of a specific building for notices and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mailing Labels Create

The software supports Avery 5160 and Avery 8160 (Inkjet and Laser) printer formats of mailing labels.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mailing Labels Print

Improved Pro-Rated Rents  

A new Pro-Rated checkbox has been added to the Lease. As a result if a rent is now pro-rated (and it's monthly) then the software will automatically create a pro-rated Suggested Entry for the first rent and start the Scheduled Entries from the next month on the 1st of that month.

In addition to this the Rent Roll reports now look at this new Pro-Rated field when calculating the rents, and any rents that need to be pro-rated will be automatically calculated in the Rent Roll reports.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Pro-rated rents

Renew Leases  

You can now renew leases from the Lease tabbed panel with one step. The software will take the Lease you want to renew, apply the rent increase amount, etc., and create a new Lease for you based on the existing information, including the new Lease Begin Date, Lease End Date, Rent, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Renew lease

New Building and Landlord Statuses  

Similar to Tenants, the Buildings and Landlords can now be assigned a Status such as Current, etc. This allows for better filtering and reporting.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: New Statuses

In addition to this the drop down menus for the Buildings and Landlords are also sorted by Status first and then alphabetically.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Status sorting on drop down menus

Profit And Loss Reports  

Added a new Profit and Loss Report in the Reports Section to specifically address and summarize the different Entries and Categories.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Profit and Loss Report

Tenant Profile Report  

You can now print the Tenant's Profile Report when viewing or selecting a tenant from the Tenant Section. This report includes the ability to select which of a number of the tabbed panels you want to include in the Tenant Profile Report.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Tenant Profile Report

This report is especially useful if for example you need to print out Notes, Events, and so on for court cases and such. In the Network Edition only Managers and Administrators Users can print the detailed Tenant Profile Report for security reasons.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Tenant Profile Report

Commercial Tenant Support  

The software now has much better support for Commercial Tenants, including new data appropriate fields such as Company name, etc. for Commercial Tenants

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Commercial Tenant

Tenant Conversion Support  

Tenants can be converted between Commercial to Residential Tenants with the use of the new Convert button. This is especially useful for people who have already created Tenants they wish to convert as well as for small business Tenants that may change their type over time.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Convert Tenant

Many New Data Filters  

New filters have been added to most of the table views to improve management of the data. This includes everything from new date filters such as "This Year", "Last Year", new Status filters for Buildings, Landlords, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: New Filters

Miscellaneous New Features

  • Added the tenant's phone number on the Workorder printed out form.
  • All pictures can now be exported.
  • Significantly improved the performance of the Rent Roll reports.
  • Added TLS email support.
  • Improved the startup performance by reducing certain calls and added multi-threading where possible.
  • Late fee now analyzes all the tenant's leases to pick the most appropriate lease from which to get the late fee rather than the first one it found.
  • Added the ability to turn off tooltips in the Preferences Section. By default the table tooltips are now turned off on Macs.
  • All City, State, and Country fields now automatically update the first letter to be uppercased if it was not done so before.
  • Several new date format options have been added.
  • New frequencies have been added.
  • Significantly improved the performance on Date filters.
  • Significantly improved the performance when deleting larger numbers of items.
  • Date format example uses today's date.
  • Added comments fields to leases.
  • NSF amounts no longer show in Late accounting reports.
  • Added the ability to adjust and set the timeout options for the Network Editions.
  • Removed the automatic appending of the date to emailed reports and instead just use the report name.
  • Management Fee is now one of the default Categories when you start a new database.
  • Improved the performance of the creation of reports by reducing the number of database calls.
  • Upgraded the database engine to the latest version.
  • Improved the ability of the software to open up the browser (click on a link) within the software to avoid AV conflicts.
  • Management now requires a name otherwise it can no longer be saved.
  • Added comments fields to the leases.
  • Added Square Footage to both Buildings and Units when appropriate.
  • General Preference dropdown menu is now alphabetically sorted.
  • Report "List of expiring leases for a building" now checks that a building is selected before trying to run.
  • One year of free upgrades with purchases has been adjusted to three months.
  • Added color coding to the Categories column in the Accounting tables.
  • Updated Outlook connection system.
  • Improved the bug reporting system.
  • Improved the handling of incorrectly shutdown systems.
  • Significantly improved the performance of all calculations that are scheduled.
  • The software now adds ".ran" to any backed up database file if this is not set.
  • Improved the sorting of the tenants.
  • No longer allow duplicate Category names or Categories to be created without a name.
  • Several improvements to License authentication to make it easier for people to validate their license.
  • Select All (Ctl-A) now selects all the items without selecting the Total row.
  • Updated the runtime environment to the latest available.
  • It is now possible to try the Landlord User Type in trial mode of the Network Editions.
  • Error report screen now automatically scrolls to the top of the error message.
  • When a new Account is created through the popup dialog the software will now automatically select that Account in the dropdown menu.
  • Improved the security levels for the Personnel User.
  • Account tabbed panel now includes the ability to store a signature for Check printing. The image is encrypted for security reasons.
  • Removed the email attachment label when not appropriate.

Version 11.05 Fixes

  • Fixed a concurency bug where two users could save the same Suggested Entries.
  • Significantly improved the error handling of incorrect logins on the Client so that it's much much quicker.
  • Improved the progress bar on software startup and database upgrades to be more accurate.
  • Improved the formatting of the rent amount on the Lease tabbed panel.
  • Fixed a bug with image files names that contained periods such as Image.Filename.jpg.
  • The Zip and Country fields are now all in the same order on all the forms.
  • Fixed a bug on Mac 10.6 where instead of just not working because it's an obsolete and unsupported system, the software now lets you know it's not a supported system.
  • Fixed several reasons where the software could get a ShutdownException
  • Adjusted the program to display an error message instead of an error report where appropriate.
  • Fixed a bug where sending an email with no message could cause an error in some setups.
  • Fixed several minor and rare bugs related to sending emails.
  • Fixed a bug in the Rent Roll Reports where the Security Deposit column could be truncated.
  • Fixed a bug where when sending emails through Outlook it could fail if the character used to separate emails was not exact.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bcc email preference could be set with an empty value for the Bcc email, which in turn could result in an error when trying to send out an email.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in an error when trying to send an email with no to email address.
  • Fixed a bug where the software created a new trial database and was shutdown midway through could corrupt the database.
  • Fixed a bug on two reports where if only a Start Date was entered (without an End Date) the report could in some rare cases ignore the Start Date.
  • Fixed a bug where an invalidated license could sometimes display that the license was refunded rather than invalid.
  • Fixed a bug on the Network Editions for the Personnel User where it was possible in a very specific situation for the Personnel User to see an expense.


Version 11.05a Fixes


  • Fixed a bug to in the database upgrade script for a specific case where the software was not able to update the database.


Version 11.05b New Features


  • All table column headers in the Reports stay at the top of the screen while scrolling.
  • Updated the Code Signing certificate to V2 for Apple Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick)
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.
  • Improved the license messaging on the About screen.
  • Removed the ability to try upgrades with existing databases to reduce customer confusion in regards to data portability between versions.

Version 11.05b Fixes


  • Fixed a critical bug where the P&L report total could be different on the printed sheet of paper than what was shown in the software.
  • Fixed a bug where if the tenants have empty names for both companies and residential tenants it could cause an error comparing them (sorting order).
  • Fixed an additional sorting bug for tenants.
  • Fixed the color rendering for the accounting table where late amounts could be rendered the incorrect color in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug with leases that have empty frequencies (it is no longer possible to have an empty Frequency for Scheduled Entries).
  • Fixed a bug where the Server and/or Client would not work on some specific Mac environments.
  • Late entries are now stored as "" rather than "0.00" for the Amount Paid to better work with Partial Payments.
  • Partial payments now work on entries that have "0.00" as well as an empty value.
  • Fixed a bug with the sorting order of the Tasks
  • Fixed a bug with the Data Filters in the Accounting Tabbed Panel for Tenants, Buildings, etc that could result in no filters being applied in some scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug with the payee on the report "Checks for an account" where the payee might not be displayed.
  • Fixed the P&L Report where if you had the same name for an expense and revenue category it could result in incorrect groupings of the accounting entries for these categories (for example if you have an expense "Misc" Category and a revenue "Misc" category).
  • Fixed a bug in some reports for the "NSF" value.
  • Fixed a bug where a category name is the same for an expense and a revenue for accounting entries sorting.
  • Fixed a bug with the Frequency incorrectly updating the data entry screen in the Scheduled Entries.


Version 11.05c New Features


  • All table column headers in the Reports stay at the top of the screen while scrolling.
  • Updated the Code Signing certificate to V2 for Apple Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick)
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.
  • Improved the license messaging on the About screen.
  • Removed the ability to try upgrades with existing databases to reduce customer confusion in regards to data portability between versions.


Version 11.05c Fixes


  • Improved the performance by up to 83% for the main Accounting Entries table for larger databases that had more Units. This will be more noticeable for people who have 500+ units in their database
  • Fixed a bug with the cashflow reports that was specific to certain data scenarios where although the data was accurate, the same month/year row could appear as multiple line items rather than just a single line item in a small number of the cashflow reports.
  • Fixed a bug where the row highlighting in the Accounting Entries tabbed panel could be incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug where the written in words amount on a printed check could in some cases be incorrectly round up to the next dollar if the cent amount was about 50 cents or higher (the check amount was always correct this only affected the written in words amount).
  • Fixed a bug where the tenant filter was using All instead of the previously selected filters in the tenant list on the first list after a startup.
  • Fixed a sorting bug in the tenants where if you had blank tenant names in some cases it could cause an error.
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.


Version 11.05d Fixes


  • Fixed a critical bug on Macs where the selected tabbed panel in some cases (racing condition) would be the previously selected one, resulting in the table not correctly being updated in the list view.
  • Fixed a bug in the mailing labels where on some systems it could mix the list of addresses.
  • Fixed a bug where the State and Zip for the mailing label on the third column could in some cases use the second column's State and Zip.
  • Fixed a bug where selecting the tenant would not longer automatically select the building and unit if the same tenant was selected again on a new accounting entry screen.
  • Fixed a bug where some reports could fail if you selected an empty Start Date but had an End Date entered for the Rent roll reports.
  • Upgraded the software to use the latest version of programming language.
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.


Version 11.05e New Features


  • Major upgrade of the installer software to better support latest versions of Windows and Mac OS X.
  • Completed final updates to Java 8 before the upcoming EOL (End of Life) of Java 7 on April 2015. The software is now FULLY updated to Java 8.


Version 11.05e Fixes


  • Fixed a critical bug where the Frequency in the Lease tabbed panel may not have been updated correctly in some cases which sometimes lead to unexpected behaviours.
  • Adjusted the vacancy reports to no longer included non-current buildings.


Version 11.05f Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where the check number wasn't automatically updated in the Checks workarea.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in an error in some situations when creating a new 30 day free trial database.
  • Improved the handling of invalid licenses.
  • Fixed a bug on the check printout in the memo field where there was a blank line through the memo field.
  • Updated internal library dependencies.


Version 11.05g Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug with the report Accounting entries for a building where the last column had the column header truncated on the printout.
  • Updated several libraries and embedded systems


Version 11.05h Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug related to the Network Editions for larger items such as documents, etc. caused by a recent OS update that affected LandlordMax.
  • Fixed a potential bug where a display value could be null.
  • Updated the embedded JVM


Version 11.05i Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated the Word document preview window to work with the latest version of MS Word.
  • Update the Outlook links to work with the latest versions of MS Outlook.
  • Updated the installer software.


Version 11.05j Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where the check print preview could be blank if there were too many line items for said check.
  • Fixed a bug which could result in the Category not allowing an update if you didn't also edit the Name field.
  • Updated internal third party libraries.


Version 11.05k Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated and improved the SSL communication for all Network Editions.
  • Fixed an issue where McAfee Antivirus would sometimes incorrectly block LandlordMax due to a false positive.
  • Updated internal third party libraries.


Version 11.05l Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated several internal libraries.
  • Several other minor improvements (for example updated the copyright date, etc.)


Version 11.05m Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated the code signing certificate to the SHA2 standard now required since the Microsoft Windows update KB3123479 on Jan 12, 2016. This resolves all issues where people were incorrectly getting an error message from Internet Explorer and Edge saying the software was corrupted. The software will now download and run as expected. That being said please note that you will continue to be prompted by Microsoft Smartscreen that the software is an unrecognized app. This is normal for third party applications being installed on Microsoft Windows.


Version 11.05n Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated internal libraries and systems.
  • Fixed an issue where the printed report "List of workorders grouped by tenant" did not print the tenant's name.
  • Fixed an issue where the category totals were not correctly added on only the printouts for the report "Accounting entries grouped by category (adjusted for % owned).
  • Fixed an issue where the Amount Remaining column did not appear on only the printouts for the report "All accounting revenue entries".


Version 11.05o Improvements and Fixes


  • Significantly improved the startup speed of the software. You should expect to see the startup time to decrease up to more than 65% to 90% on most computer systems.
  • Improved the readability of the selected items in the drop down menus for the tenant and building by adjusting the font color to white when appropriate.
  • Update three internal libraries


Version 11.05p Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug which could result in a timed out connection for customers with larger databases.
  • Fixed a bug where the Accounting table's column preferences were not saved on restart for some users.
  • The popup backup reminder now includes the .ran file extension if it's not entered.
  • The New button on the right side menu in the Tenant list correctly requires the tenant type to be selected before creating the new tenant.
  • Update internal libraries and installer software.


Version 11.05q Improvements and Fixes


  • Get in Invoices should use Date Due and Amount Due values rather than Date Paid and Amount Paid values.
  • Get in Invoices should display the Amount Due in the table rather than the Amount Paid value.
  • Mortgage interest rate now supports up to 3 digits.
  • Import/Export now always starts in the Database Management Section.
  • Fixed a bug where the data filters for the Tasks table was not honored when re-starting the software.
  • Fixed a bug with the cashflow grouped by account report which could result in an error if the start date was missing in some special cases.
  • Fixed a bug where the building type was not displayed in the data entry view for the building under vendors.
  • Fixed a historical typo in the Preferences where it stated To do which is now called Task.
  • Fixed a bug where when you deleted a building the deleted building the deletion wasn't always immediately updated in the building list.
  • Added the Category in the report printout "Accounting entries for a category for a tenant".
  • Menu title for Import/Export section was not visible on initial load.
  • Fixed a bug in the Workorder Data Filters where the Unit filter wasn't always remembered.
  • Change the date from 2016 to 2017 in the LandlordMax logo.

3. Version 6.05

3.1. Version 6.05

Graphs and Charts on Reports  

Bar Charts, Graphs, and Pie Charts are now available on almost all the reports. This helps give you a quick visual representation of how your doing, how much money is going in and out, where the money is going, etc.

You also have the option of selecting which type of Graph or Chart you want to include in your report, or none if you prefer.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Charts

Advance Notice  

You can now set an "Advance Notice" value in the Scheduled Entries which will tell the software how far ahead the Suggested Entry should be created of it's due date.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Advance Notice


It's now possible to send emails from directly within LandlordMax. You can send email to your tenants, vendors, landlords, contacts, and anyone else you wish that has an email address. In addition to sending emails, it's also possible to attach reports as PDF's to your emails, and so on.

LandlordMax offers support for sending emails through your mailserver (ISP or domain), through Outlook, as well as through Gmail.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Email

Outlook Integration  

If you have Outlook installed on your computer, you can now import and export your contacts to and from LandlordMax and Outlook.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Outlook

Multi-Print Invoices, Receipts, and Workorders  

When viewing the list of Invoices, Receipts, and Workorders, it's now possible to instantly print a full list of all the items, print only the selected items, or print individual items.

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LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Multi-Print


There's a completely new "Contacts" Workarea within the software in which you can store any number of contacts you wish beyond what's available for tenants, landlords, and vendors. These can be anything from personal contacts to business contacts, to real estate agents, to you name it.

As part of the contacts information you can also classify the "Contact Type", which makes it easier to manage and filter your data. For example, you can create a Contact Type called "Real Estate Agents", "Mortgage Brokers", "Personal", and so on.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Contacts


All accounting entries can now be optionally associated to an "Account". Accounts are a new feature in LandlordMax which allow you to link an accounting entry to a specific account (be it a bank, a lender, or any other financial institution).

Several new reports (as indicated a bit later on this page) are directly available for reporting on Accounts.

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LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Accounts

Schedule Existing Entries  

A new "Schedule" button has been added to the Accounting, Receipts, and Invoices Workareas where you can select an item and click on the Schedule button to have it create a new Scheduled Entry for you based on the selected entry.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Schedule Entries

Twenty New Reports  

Twenty new reports have been added to this version of LandlordMax:

  • Accounting entries grouped by category for one account
  • Expenses grouped by category for one account
  • Revenues grouped by category for one account
  • List all tenants grouped by building
  • Accounting entries for a category for a landlord
  • Accounting entries for a category for a tenant
  • Accounting entries for an account
  • Expenses for an account
  • Revenues for an account
  • Accounting entries grouped by account
  • Expenses grouped by account
  • Revenues grouped by account
  • List all accounts
  • Late accounting entries for an account
  • Late accounting entries grouped by account
  • Cashflow for one account
  • Cashflow grouped by account
  • List of expiring leases grouped by building for one landlord
  • List of security deposits grouped by building for one landlord
  • List all contacts

New Menu Navigations  

The left side menu navigation was revamped with some areas being moved around. The previous "Extras" section has been separate out into "Import/Export", "Preferences", and "About". This has been done to make navigation to the different configuration and setting screens easier and simpler.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: New Navigation Menus

Tenant ComboBoxes  

The Tenant Selection Comboboxes have been significantly revamped. Instead of just simply listing all Tenants by alphabetical, the Tenants are first sorted by their Status ("Current", "Potential", "Past", "Non Potential", and finally "Evicted"), as well as color coded by their Status: Black for Current, Green for Potential, Gray for Past, Orange for Non-Potential, and Red for Evicted.

In addition to this, the Tenant Status Combobox is also now color coded to the same colors.

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LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Tenant Combobox

More Report Exports  

In addition to being able to export all reports as PDF and CSV, the latest version of LandlordMax also allows you to export all reports as:

  • PDF
  • CSV
  • Excel
  • RTF(directly readable by Word)
  • HTML

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LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Export

Payment Type  

The "Payment Type" Combobox has now become it's own section in the Accounting Entry Workarea rather than just an editable combobox. As well please note that if you already own LandlordMax, you're existing Payment Types will be migrated to this new section of the Accounting system.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Payment Type

Workorder Preference  

Added a new preference which can be toggled on or off (by default it's on) which will determine whether a Suggested Accounting Entry is generated when a new Workorder is saved for the first time.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: New Workorder Preference

Upgraded Amortization Table  

The Amortization Table Report in the Analysis Workarea has been completely revamped in this release. Firstly all amortization reports now include a bar chart showing the Loan Balance and Principal Balance over the term of the mortgage.

In addition to this, it's now possible to customize the amortization report title to anything you wish, so that you can for example state for which property the current report is for, etc.

You can now also email any amortization table report directly within the software, making it easier to share your research to partners, investors, etc.

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LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: AmortizationTable

Digital Code Signing Certificate  

LandlordMax now has a Digital Code Signing Certificate to authenticate and guarantee that the code is from LandlordMax and hasn't been altered.

Code signing lets you know the origin of the code, and prevents a hacker from distributing software in someone else's name (for example, putting a malicious program on a Web site for download and claiming that from Microsoft). In addition to verifying the identity of the publisher, code signing can protect the code from tampering (if the code is changed, the digital signature is invalidated). Thus, code signing provides two security protections: authentication of the author of the code and integrity of the code itself.

More information on Code signing can be found at Microsoft and Wikipedia.

Start/End Date to Security Deposit Reports  

A Start and End Date field have been added for all Security Deposit reports to make it possible to list all security deposits for leases between the two specified dates. This allows you to get a list of all Security Deposits for this year, last year, last month, last quarter, etc.

As well a Lease Begin and End date column has been added to all the Security Deposit reports.

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LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Security Deposit

Enhanced Rent Roll Report Performance  

Optimized the Rent Roll Reports to increase the speed by they are generated by at least an order of magnitude, and in some cases by up to two orders of magnitude.

Enhance Lease to Scheduled Entry  

When a new lease is saved and a scheduled entry is created, rather than just use the Lease's Begin Date then revert to today if there is no Begin Date, the software will now try to use the Lease's Begin Date, then the Lease's Move-in Date, and then today.

More Emphasis on Priority for Workorders  

Priority has now been added as a column in the main Workorder Workarea. As well, the priority column is now included in several of the Workorder reports.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Workorder Priority

Tenant Status Filter  

A new Tenant Status filter has been added in the Tenant List Workarea. This allows you to limit the list of tenants to "All", "Current", "Potential", "Evicted", etc. Tenant Statuses.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Tenant Status Filter


A spellchecker is available for all emails (body) as well as on select fields.

Click here to view animated video tutorial

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: SpellCheck

Miscellaneous New Features  
  • New Date of Birth Field for the Tenant
  • New Email field for the Vendor
  • Added phone number to the vendor printout
  • Payment Type Combobox is now sorted
  • Changed the button "Add" to "Get" on the Invoices/Receipts Payment Table
  • The word "Information" has been removed from many of the reports as it is considered redundant
  • Autofill fields are now case insensitive (for example if you type in "hollywood", it will now also pick up "Hollywood".)
  • The Popup Calendar now provides support for dates up to 120 years ahead and in the past versus the standard 20 years from the previous version
  • The graph type selection is saved for each report so that you only need to set it once
  • Added a confirmation message on database restore to verify this is the action the user wanted
  • The Payment Type field has now been added into the Scheduled and Suggested Accounting Entries
  • Suggested Accounting entries are now only calculated when the Suggested Accounting Entries Tabbed Panel becomes visible instead of any time an update is done in the main Accounting List Workarea to enhance overall performance on other actions
  • If a backup request fails on an upgrade or system shutdown, the system will now ask if you want to try again rather than moving on in to the next step (upgrading or completing the shutdown)
  • You can now delete a tenant if it's only associated to a building and/or unit, this is no longer considered a referential issue within the database
  • Increased the potential maximum size of memory that can be allocated to LandlordMax for performance reasons.
  • Increased the size of the Comments box on the workorder data entry screen.
  • Moved up Invoices/Receipts buttons to put all data entry screens at the top (moved down reports).
  • Changed the order of the Invoices and Receipts menus to make them easier to read within the application.
  • Added a warning message when you try to restore a newer database so that you don't make an accidental mistake
  • Improved the database backup before upgrading message.
  • Added a bit more details to the error reports.
  • Updated several icons
  • Changed the names of the report titles to the plural rather than "Complete Tenant List", etc. for the table printouts only.
  • Qif file formats that are invalid (the Qif file format doesn't support dates before 2000) will now display an error message rather than try to send a system failure error report.
  • Databases from versions older than 2.12 (1.08, 1.02, and 1.00) which use the old database engine will no longer be supported. These will now need to be upgraded by contacting LandlordMax at support@landlordmax.com.

Version 6.05 Fixes

  • LandlordMax now fully supports all Locale settings rather than just US based locales
  • Fixed a bug where on rare occasions the scheduled entries could process for long periods at 99% complete
  • Fixed a bug where the filters from autofill fields where not always immediately listed
  • Fixed a bug where the wait cursor would remain when you tried to accept a suggested accounting entry but then decided not to
  • Fixed a bug where the date format preference was set but in a few rare places it didn't acknowledge it until the software was restarted
  • Fixed a bug where now you can no longer save a unit without first assigning that unit to a building
  • The report "List all units for a building" can no longer be generated without first selecting a building


Version 6.05a New Features


Database Compression  

The internal database is now significantly further compacted/compressed as part of the database backup process.

Version 6.05a Fixes

  • Fixed an upgrade bug (only occurs when upgrading) that could cause issues with the tenant data if at least a tenant from the previous version (3.11f) had an email associated to it, and that email also met a specific set of criteria. Although very rare, if all the specific criteria were met, it could cause damage to the tenant information. If you do encounter this error while upgrading, please upgrade to version 6.05a and then "Restore" your database from your pre-upgraded backup database. This will complete resolve the issue and your data. If you're unsure how to do this, or what this means, please contact us at support@landlordmax.com and we would be more than happy to further assist you.
    If you've already upgraded and not encountered this issue (ie. you had no tenants with emails that meet both specific criteria), then no further action is required, you are not affected (please note it is extremely rare, so the odds of encountering this bug are very very low, and if you do, it will be immediately apparent).
  • Fixed a bug which caused Scheduled Entries to be saved when the popup dialog was closed by pressing on the "X" (the close window button). This could result in a processing bug for Suggested Entries if no Start Date was entered in the popup dialog.
  • Fixed a bug for the report "Accounting Entries for a category for a tenant". The pie chart option has now been removed since it's not applicable and could cause the program to error.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't print an individual accounting entry without first saving it.
  • Fixed a bug with images that have Invalid ICC Profile Data. This is a bug within the programming language and not LandlordMax, therefore images with this issue are no longer allowed to be saved withing the software.


Version 6.05b New Features

Mac Compatible  

LandlordMax is now FULLY MAC COMPATIBLE! This includes the latest Mac OS Snow Leopard

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mac Version

Miscellaneous New Features  
  • Added tenant phone numbers to Late rents report.
  • The Categories tabbed panel in the Accounting Workarea now has the rows color coded according to the type of category (red for expenses and green for revenues).


Version 6.05b Fixes

  • Fixed the report "List of expiring leases grouped by building for one landlord" when a Start/End Date was entered which could cause the software to error.
  • Fixed a bug on the reports where the totals column would render the incorrect color (the amounts are always correct, only the color could sometimes be incorrect).
  • Fixed a bug on qif files that were imported with accounting categories that contained apostophes.
  • Fixed a bug when verifying a backed up database as part of the backup process when the file extension wasn't included.
  • Fixed a bug where that could occur if you created an invoice without selecting a tenant and then later tried to edit it.
  • Added gray column header to the "Late Rents" report.


Version 6.05c New Features

Wider data fields  

All data entry fields have been widened to better fit the minimum screen size of 1024x768 (and higher). This means that the description fields, date fields, etc. have more room before the field starts scrolling.


Adjusted Default Sorting Orders  

Adjusted the default sorting order on the following reports from Date Due only to Date Due, then Building, and then Unit:

  • Rent Roll
  • Rent Roll for a building
  • Lease Expiration
  • Lease Expiration for a building
  • Late rents
  • Late accounting entries


Adjusted Upgrade Notice  

Adjusted the text on the upgrade notice popup window to inform the user which upgrades are included in the year of free upgrades and which upgrades would require an upgrade license purchase at a 50% discount.


Version 6.05c Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the report "Late accounting entries for a tenant" would fail to initial load the screen in some instances.
  • Fixed the auto-select on the tenant comboboxes so that if you type in a letter, it will select that tenant.
  • Fixed a bug where the lease information didn't always save the first time a Tenant was saved.
  • Fixed a bug where the mortgage information didn't always save the first time a Building was saved.
  • Fixed a bug where the full date couldn't displayed within the date fields on the Mac only (ie. required scrolling).
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the look and feel of the application to revert when the calendar popup dialog window would appear.
  • Fixed a bug where the stacktrace wasn't always logged to the llmax.log file.
  • Fixed a bug where adding too large a year (such as 20094) in the Date fields would cause an error.


Version 6.05d New Features

Improved 32-bit and 64-bit versions  

Previously the software was offered as one version which worked on both 32-bit and 64-bit computer systems. All versions from now are separate and optimized for each specific 32-bit and 64-bit system.

LandlordMax Property Management Software: Improved 32-bit and 64-bit support

Admin priviledges no longer required on Windows  

The software has been updated so that it no longer requires Admin priviledges to run the database engine on Windows Vista and Windows 7 computer systems.

Outlook connector upgraded  

The Outlook connector library embedded within LandlordMax has been upgraded to the latest version and should resolve issues that some people were experiencing with some instances of Outlook that weren't properly connecting and could in some cases give an erroneous "Outlook not installed" error message.

Enhanced QIF file support  

The software now fully supports all QIF file format specifications, including the date formats that were adopted after the last official specification was released.

Improved pie chart labels  

The pie chart generation process has been significantly enhanced in this version, especially for pie charts that contained a lot of data (pie wedges) where reading the labels was next to impossible. In this latest version labels are drawn on the left and right sides of the pie chart rather than directly on the pie, with lines going from the label to the appropriate pie wedges. This allows for better readability of pie charts. As well, if a pie chart contains too many pie widges (labels) so as to make the chart unreadable, the software will now omit the labels and only display the pie chart itself for enhanced viewability.

LandlordMax Property Management Software: Pie Chart new labeling

Upgraded embedded SQL engine  

The embedded SQL engine used within the software has been upgraded to the latest stable release for improved performance and features.

Miscellaneous New Features  
  • Doubleclicking on a date in the popup calendar now selects the date in addition to clicking on the "Ok" button.
  • Added better and more extensive error reporting and logging functionality for printer related issues.
  • You can press the Enter key on the login screen (if password protection is turned on) to login in addition to just pressing the Login button.
  • The software now only allows up to 3 login attempts before closing the application if password protection is turned on.
  • The license validation process will now remove "Username:" and "License Code:" for people who incorrectly add it (much like as if you entered "Firstname: Steph" for your firstname instead of just "Steph").

Version 6.05d Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where typing in the first letter of the city and/or state fields of an existing city/state would cause it to incorrectly set the text selection and make typing in the value difficult and error prone.
  • Fixed a bug that was recently introduced in a recent update where some amount columns were sorted alphanumerically rather than numerically.
  • Fixed a bug where the values from some of the comboboxes weren't always immediately refreshed on a database restore operation.
  • Fixed a bug for the report "Cashflow grouped by buildings" where the amount calculated for buildings that had more than one landlord assiciated to the building could be incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug where the pie chart in the report "Accounting entries grouped by unit for one building" wasn't always consistently generating the pie in some special cases depending on the data set.
  • Fixed a bug where the Date Discrepancy would sometimes miscalculate the amount when it was manually entered. Once saved, and/or if entered with the mouse, the discrepancy was correct. The software now always correctly displays the date discrepancy, regardless of if you use the calendar or manually type it in.
  • Fixed a bug where the Building associated to the Landlord wasn't always saved on the first save attempt, it had to be done on a successive save in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug where the selected Landlord on the Landlord/Building popup association window was incorrectly selected if it had been pre-sorted before.
  • Fixed a bug where if you deleted a single residential home the building combobox in other areas wasn't updated until the software was restarted. It is now immediately updated.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes on some systems the popup Scheduled Entry dialog window wasn't wide enough to fully display all the information.
  • Adjusted the column names of several reports where the space between the words in the column names was missing.
  • Fixed a bug where the date of birth for the tenant wasn't cleared when creating a new tenant.
  • Reduced the max RAM settings for the application to use at most 800mb because some systems were not able to correctly utilize the previous max RAM setting of 1024mb (only for 32-bit systems, 64-bit systems will continue to use up to a max of 1024mb RAM)
  • Fixed a bug where you sometimes couldn't create a new "Daily" Scheduled Accounting Entry.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting QIF files with accounting entries with empty values for the Date Paid (no longer includes the date line in the QIF file).
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the login credentials for a just restored database that was password protected weren't always immediately requested. Now it's always immediately required.
  • Fixed a bug where an invalid image somehow saved into the software for the logo could cause the Preferences section to hang when loaded the next time. Now it will present an "Invalid" image for the logo if this should ever happen.
  • Fixed a bug in the Vehicles tabbed panel under the Tenant where the Comment field was not always correctly being updated.
  • Fixed a bug where the Amount Due column was not displayed in the report "Accounting Entries grouped by tenant" export files only (Excel, PDF, etc.).
  • Fixed a bug where the date columns wasn't wide enough for the date format MMM dd, YYYY (for example Jan 12, 2012) for dates in May.
  • Printing the list from the main accounting and workorder list screens now correctly respects the date format preference set by the user.
  • Fixed the printout for the report "Late accounting entries for an account" so that all the column appear on the printout rather than just within the software.
  • Fixed a bug in the "adjusted for % owned" reports where the date format preference wasn't correctly adhered to.
  • The dates on the line items for both receipts and invoices are now correctly formatted according to the date format preference set by the user in the preferences section of the software rather than the default date format.
  • "jpeg" is now also an excepted file extension for images within the software, along with "jpg" and "gif".
  • The version comparison for restoring a database now compares both the version number and the patch letter.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes when an accounting color code was changed and saved the screen didn't immediately reflect the change.
  • Adjusted the widths of the columns Description and Category in the report "Expenses for a building" so that they didn't overlap with their columns on the right.
  • Fixed a bug where on some computers the width of the popup dialog windows for some of the accounting feature were not the full required width on some systems.
  • Changed the error message when trying to restore to a newer version so that it says it's not forward compatible rather than backwards compatible.
  • Fixed a bug where part of the address in the report "Expenses for a building" in the report header was whited out.
  • Fixed a bug where you can now add spaces or commas in the Amount for the amortization table (for example 1 000 000 or 1,000,000 for 1 million).
  • Fixed a typo where the field use to be labelled "Date Discrepency" to where it's now labelled "Date Discrepancy".


Version 6.05e New Features

Full networking and multi-user support!  

The software now has a total of four offerings. Above the previous desktop version, we are now offering 3 networked versions which allow for you to be fully networked between multiple computers and multiple people at the same time on the same database. You can find more detailed instructions about the networked systems here.

LandlordMax Property Management Software: Full networking and multi-user support

Cloud enabled support  

LandlordMax now offer Cloud Enabled Support. This means that you can host your LandlordMax Server on any of a very large number of cloud services including Amazon EC2, Rackspace, and so on. Basically any cloud provider that offers Windows instances. For our internal testing at LandlordMax we use Amazon EC2 cloud services for hosting the LandlordMax Server.

LandlordMax Property Management Software: Cloud Enabled Support

Can transfer database between Desktop and Network Versions


You can transfer your database from your Desktop Version to any of the Server Versions through the Database Management section of the application. However please note that Restoring a database does require a valid license, therefore in the trial you can only test the software with test data.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Transfer Data Between Versions

Installer has new options


The installer now has an extra screen where you need to select whether you want to install the desktop version, or either the client or server for the networked version.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Release notes installation type

Significant performance improvements  

Firstly the startup time has been very significantly improved! Above that the software overall has received a large number of performance improvements throughout. Some of biggest include invoices/receipts, images, scheduled entries, and workorders. As well the performance of printing the invoices and receipts has also been improved by at least an order of magnitude.

Overall you should see noticeable speed and performance improvements throughout the software as many optimizations were introduced and implemented in this release!

LandlordMax Property Management Software: Significant Performance Improvements

Completely new Image Engine  

All images within the software are now stored in a completely new engine specifically designed for storing images. This has dramatically improved the performance of images throughout the application!

Completely new Management section  

The software now has a completely new Management section to assist management companies that require the ability to display their management company rather then the property owners (landlords) for invoices, receipts, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Release notes management section

Invoices/Receipts can select Management as From  

Along with the new Management section, management companies can now select to use the Management Company rather than the Landlord when printing Invoices and Receipts for the tenants. This can be set in the Preferences section of the application.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Management option for invoices and receipts

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Management option for invoices and receipts

Improvements in Workorders Filters  

The Workorder filters have been completely re-designed to allow much better management of the Workorders.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - New Workorder Filters

Workorder printout completely re-designed  

The Workorder printout has been completely re-designed.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Workorder Printout

Todo workarea is now called Tasks  

The Todo Workarea has been renamed as Tasks and has been significantly enhanced in many ways. For the networked versions, tasks are specific to a user and are not shared between users.

LandlordMax Property Management Software - Tasks

New Application structure (mainly affects Mac users)  

Because the software now has several offerings and applications, there can be multiple applications within a single computer, and as such the program has been restructured to reflect this. This will be more noticeable for Mac users as it affects how the program is viewed in the Applications.

Miscellaneous New Features  
  • Very significantly improved the performance and speed in which suggested entries are calculated based on the scheduled entries.
  • Support has been dropped for 32-bit Mac OS as Apple is no longer supporting these systems.
  • The Invoices "Get" button to use the Date Due and Amount Due fields in the Accounting Entries.
  • Added the zip code to the List of tenants reports so that it could be exported to Excel and used to create mailing lists and labels.
  • Improved the Invoice/Receipt data auto-selection based on what was previously entered.
  • Changed the default name of the report "Revenues for a tenant" to "Tenant Statement".
  • Improved support for multiple processors, especially for startup speed.
  • Added a new default category called "Management Fees".
  • Database backup no longer automatically overwrites an existing database file in case this is not intentional.
  • Changed "Logo" to "Letterhead" through the application to make it more obvious.
  • When creating a new Scheduled Entry, the software automatically enters today as the default Start Date.
  • Increased the size of the Comments box to take up the remainder of the space on the screen.
  • Improved the Invoices/Receipts "Get" button to properly use the Start and End Date of the invoices when trying to "get" Accounting Entries.
  • Updated the connector to Outlook to provide support for the latest updates by Outlook.
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version available.
  • Improved the handling of the error "Device is not ready" when trying to backup a database to certain devices.
  • Increased the width of Interest rate column in the Mortgage tabbed panel to make it more readable.
  • Better handling when people try to run multiple instances of the desktop.
  • Improved the default sorting of Scheduled Invoices and Receipts.
  • No longer need to press save before scheduling an accounting entry for the description to be pre-filled in the popup schedule window.
  • Better handling of people who accidentaly try to override the trial license with random values.
  • The ability to backup and restore database is now only available on fully licensed versions and no longer on the free 30-day trial licenses.
  • Update certain look and feel (UI elements) of the application where appropriate.
  • Improved the internal diagnostic logging system to make it more efficient and more detailed for error reporting (llmax.log file).
  • Removed the ability to delete the Rent or Late fee accounting categories as this could cause issues with other sections of the software.
  • Improved the ability for the software to accept and use backed up database files without the proper file extension names in some cases.

Version 6.05e Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to save a backed up database to a folder that didn't already it would cause an error message, it now creates the full path (folders) for you.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the system to incorrectly calculate the next suggested date for scheduled entries with a daily frequency and advance notice of one month or more on certain months of the year.
  • Fixed a bug where sending an empty email could cause an error.
  • Fixed a bug on the report "Late accounting entries for a tenant" where the total for the Amount Due was missing
  • Fixed a bug where the Date filters on the Accounting tabbed panels where shared across the different workareas (tenants, buildings, etc.). They have now been properly separated.
  • Fixed a bug where the unit number didn't appear in the security deposit reports in the address column.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an erorr if you generated the report "Accounting entries for a category for a tenant" and didn't select a tenant.
  • Fixed a bug that could in some rare cases cause a popup error message when you tried to create a new accounting entry and selected a tenant that has no building/unit assigned.
  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to print an invoice without first saving it and no payments existed, it would cause an error. This is no longer the case.
  • Fixed a bug where in rare special cases the sorting on the invoices and receipts caused the ordering to be slightly off what was expected.
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases if you deleted a payment from a suggested invoice it would in some cases still be included in the created invoice.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible in some special occassions for an image to not be correctly deleted as requested.
  • Fixed a bug where if you selected a building and tenant with no unit it could result in an error in a very very rare and special use case.
  • Adjusted the popup message when importing a QIF file to make it more appropriate.


Version 6.05f New Features


  • Improved Late fee calculations to properly look at the Lease Start Date and Lease End Date for when the same tenant in the same unit has more than one lease.
  • The software now automatically cleans up extra whitespaces that could be accidentally entered when activating the license.
  • For the Network Edition, if you're already logged in from one computer, you can now go to another computer and login as the same user which will allow you to connect and force the other connection to be terminate. In other words it will transition your connection from one Client to another rather than first requiring you're logged out at your initial Client.
  • Updated the links in the popup windows (upgrade, purchase, etc.) to the updated pages on the website.
  • Updated several internal systems and libraries.
  • Better support for Retina displays on Macs.

Version 6.05f Fixes

  • Fixed all printing issues on the Mac OS.
  • Fixed a threading issue with the Server in the Network Edition which could cause the database to incorrectly shut itself down.
  • Improved the upgrade script to better handle all possible scenarios.
  • The IP address on the Server login screen and dashboard is now run as a separate thread in case the services used take longer than expected to retrieve the Server's external IP address.
  • Improved the error handling of automated backups to read only media on the Server system.
  • The Server automated backup screen is now updated every access.
  • Secondary sorting order is now properly respected in the Rent roll reports.
  • The correct occupant is now selected if the occupants sorting order was changed from the default.
  • The Tenant Status filter is now correctly respected on starting LandlordMax rather than only after you've been using it.
  • Fixed a rare and intermittent bug on the Network Editions only where it could in cause an error on saving the tenant due to a validation problem. 
  • Removed some of the multi-threading code in the initial startup process to avoid some racing conditions.
  • Fixed a bug in the Network Edition where if the Server had an error sending an error notification notification, it would send a notification about this, and so on.
  • Fixed error message when saving the same account more than 3 times in row.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't select the same tenant that was already selected and saved in the Building data entry screen when saving.

4. Version 3.11

4.1. Version 3.11

(Please note that you can click on any image to see the animated tutorial if appropriate, or the full sized screenshot otherwise.)

Significant Performance Enhancements

Significant memory and performance enhancements accross LandlordMax. This includes enhancements to all the list views, the data entry screens, and many of the reports. In addition, most of the combo boxes are now cached.

You can also find an article written by the founder (Stephane Grenier) of LandlordMax on his personal blog here which goes into much more detail about some of the performance enhancements that happened for verison 3.11.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Performance


Added a Receipts workarea to the whole application, including all cross-referencing.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Receipts

Scheduled Entries From Lease

A new Scheduled Accounting Entry, Scheduled Invoice, and Scheduled Receipt is automatically created for you when a new Lease is optionally saved for a tenant.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Scheduled Entries From Lease

Date Preferences

Added a new General Preferences screen where you can now select one of many different date formats, from MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, up to 7 different date formats.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Date Preferences

Late Accounting Entries From Suggested Entries

Added the ability to convert late suggested accounting entries as "Late entries". That is to say, the Date Paid and Amount Paid have been removed so as to make the accounting entry "Late".

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Late Suggested Accounting Entries

Late Fee Amount Pre-filled

When creating a "Late Fee" accounting entry, LandlordMax now tries to find the amount from the first lease from the tenant where the building and/or unit match.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Late Fee Pre-filled


Added filters to the workorder, tenant, invoices, and buildings main lists.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Filters

Reporting Framework Update

Updated the Reporting Framework to the latest and greatest version. Every single report file has been modified. This also significantly increased the speed in which larger reports are generated for previewing and printing.

Comments on Printouts

Added the ability to optionally print the comments on certain data entry screens through the Preferences Workarea

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Print Comments

Installer Upgrade

Changed the installer engine and shrank its size by more than 1/2 the previous (from 35Mb to 15Mb) while adding more functionality.

Filters Saved

All filters on the lists within LandlordMax are saved whenever you move screens, and even if you shutdown and restart the whole application.

Database Engine Update

Updated the database engine (Derby) to the latest version.

Startup Time

Significantly reduce the time for LandlordMax to start running.

Workorder Priority

Workorder now includes the priority and the workorder number on the workorder printout.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Workorder Priority

Default Filters

Change the default Date Filters to "All" instead of "+/- 1 month" to avoid confusion with new users for the date based filters.

Invoice Printout

Added more space to the invoice number on the individual invoice printout for larger numbers.

Invoice Comment

Added a Comments box to the Invoice data entry screen.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Invoice Comment


Three new fields were added to the Mortgage Tabbed Panel within the Building Workarea. These include a Contact Name, Phone Number, and an Address field.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mortgage

Progress Monitors

Added progress bars to Accept, Delete, and Late for Suggested Accounting Entries, Suggested Invoices, and Suggested Receipts if it takes longer than 3 seconds. Otherwise no progress bar is displayed.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Progress Monitor

Enhanced Mortgage Tabbed Panel Table

The "Mortgage" tabbed panel for the building now displays the added column "Payment" which includes the regular payments and it's frequency (for example $1500/month). Additionally the alignment of several columns has been adjusted.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mortgage Tabbed Panel Table Columns

Backwards Compatibility Check

LandlordMax now checks to see if the database you're trying to import is from a future version (since it's not backwards compatible).

Enhanced License Error Message

Added links in the license error popup windows (including links to the online animated tutorial on how to copy/paste your license code).

Version 3.11 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where if you add an unsupported JPG image (mode CMYK), then it will now display an "Invalid Image" icon.
  • Fixed a bug in all the vacancy reports where if a tenant was assigned to a unit/building with a status other than "Current", the unit/building was not properly listed as vacant.
  • Fixed a bug where if you ran the report "Accounting entries grouped by units for one building" and one accounting entry had a building and not a unit selected, it resulted in an error.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the amount from the Scheduled Invoice was not properly converted over to the Suggested Invoice.
  • Fixed a bug in the reports "Accounting entries for a category" that sometimes resulted in an error if no category was selected on at least one accounting entry.
  • Fixed a bug in the report "Late accounting entries for a landlord" where it would list all late accounting entries, regardless of the landlord selected.
  • The building comboboxes for all "by units for a building" reports now only display multi-unit buildings rather than all buildings.
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip on the table lists would display the year 1800 for an empty date.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in an error message if you selected a tenant, then a Reference from the tabbed panel, without clicking on anything else (only the first time the program was started, every other time it was ok).
  • Fixed a bug in the accounting entries by category for a building reports where it now first checks to see that you selected a valid building before trying to Generate
  • Fixed a bug where when you added a landlord to a building, the landlord's phone number wasn't shown in the table of landlords until the building was saved at least once.
  • Fixed a bug in the reports "Expenses for a tenant" and "Revenues for a tenant" where both showed all accounting entries rather than only the appropriate accounting entries.
  • Fixed the print preview dialog window title for the report "Expenses by category".
  • Fixed a bug where the scroll panel on the table didn't fully display (the bottom arrow would sometimes not appear).
  • Fixed a bug on the table tool tip where the id number rather than the name was displayed when the mouse was hovered over the tenant's name in the Invoice and Receipt workareas.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes didn't save the Suggested Invoice payments when accepting as a regular Invoice.
  • Correctly sorted the tenants in alphabetical order for the report List of workorder grouped by tenants.
  • Fixed a bug where the detailed information on the error reports wasn't appropriately displayed every time.
  • Fixed a bug where on some rare occasions in three workareas the upper panel wasn't appropriately updated when a changed in another workareas tabbed panel was made.
  • Fixed a bug where the popup tooltip for the total row in the tables showed the object model instance rather than the actual value.
  • Added the LandlordMax version number to the error reporting.
  • Fixed a bug where when you sometimes restored a database with different table sizes and you were on the data entry screen it caused an error.
  • When a unit is deleted, the selected building does not change back to the first one but remains the building you had selected.
  • Fixed a bug where if you went straight to a tenant's employee entry data without touching anything else, it gave an invalid error message.



Version 3.11a Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the report printouts had $0.00 for their totals.


Version 3.11b New Features

Windows Vista Compatible

LandlordMax is now fully Windows Vista compatible.

Database Backup Verification Check

LandlordMax now verifies your backed up database file as part of the database backup process to validate it.


Version 3.11b Fixes

  • Fixed a small bug where sometimes the tenant cache wouldn't immediately be updated on a Tenant save.
  • Fixed a bug which resulted in an error in some cases when trying to convert from version 1.08 to version 3.11 or higher (this does not affect any conversions from version 2.12)
  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to backup the database on shutting down LandlordMax to a folder that didn't exist it reported it as an error within the software rather than a normal error message. You now also have the option of selecting another location to try to save it to or to cancel it entirely.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a software error rather than an error message when trying to backup the database to an invalid location.
  • Fixed a bug where if it couldn't write to llmax.log it would keep trying to write that it couldn't write to it (infinite loop).
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the software to stop if a scheduled accounting entry was deleted within its data view.
  • Removed extra lines in llmax.log file for error messages
  • Fixed a bug where the Landlord filter on the Buildings Workarea displayed " , " rather than "All" if no Landlords where yet available in the database.
  • Fixed a bug where the logo image sometimes didn't appear on the report printouts for the following reports: "All accounting entries", "Accounting entries grouped by building for one landlord", and "Accounting entries grouped by building for one landlord (adjusted for % owned)"
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the File chooser (Database backup and restore file selection popup window) to go into an infinite loop if you had a shortcut to a mapped drive located on your desktop on your computer.


Version 3.11c Fixes

  • Adjusted all the "End Dates" for the Suggested Invoices and Receipts by 1 day. Therefore if "Monthly" is selected, the End Date will be the end of the Month and no longer the first of the next month.
  • Fixed a bug where after you saved an edit in the tabbed panel and attempted to make another second edit in the same tabbed panel on another row, it sometimes wouldn't be saved.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes extra preferences were stored in the database without needing to be.
  • Fixed a bug where the tenants table filter wasn't always saved.
  • Changed the term "Rental Start Date" and "Rental End Date" to "Start Date" and "End Date" from both the Suggested Invoices Tabbed Panel and the Suggested Receipts Tabbed Panel.
  • Changed the term "Rent Start Date" and "Rent End Date" to "Start Date" and "End Date" for the Scheduled Invoices and Scheduled Receipts data entry screens.



Version 3.11d Fixes

  • LandlordMax version 3.11d was only released to beta testers.


Version 3.11e New Features

Three New Reports

Three new reports have been added:

  • Accounting Entries grouped by tenant
  • Expenses grouped by tenant
  • Revenues grouped by tenant


Version 3.11e Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where if you had an evicted tenant assigned to a unit (with evicted status) as well as a new tenant assigned to the same unit, the vacancy report was incorrectly generated.
  • Now when an older tenant is moved out of a building/unit, only the tenant's status is set to "Past". The building/unit associations are no longer removed.
  • Added a feature where if you go to the Units workarea, it will now remember the last selected building for the duration of your session.
  • Fixed a bug where if you added a new Potential tenant and assigned it to a building/unit, the old tenant would be set to past (when it should not have been modified).
  • Fixed a bug in the Calendar Entry field where a manually entered date in the Reports workarea was not properly accepted if the generate button was immediately pressed (and no other actions where performed).
  • Removed the "-" in front of expense amounts equal to "0.00".


Version 3.11f New Features

Report Printouts Overhaul

All report printouts have been significantly enhanced for better readibility (on paper).

Minor Enhancements
  • Changed the dialog icon for success database backups and restores to a green checkmark rather than a yellow triangle.
  • Increase the default screen size for LandlordMax from 800 x 600 to 1024 x 768.
  • Adjusted the report "List of expiring leases for one building" to include the building information in the header of the report.
  • Added the sub-totals within the Accounting entries by tenant reports (whereas before the totals only appeared on the print-preview and printouts).
  • Adjusted all "Late accounting entries" reports to display red or green for the amounts based on the type of category (expense/income) rather than always green.
  • Changed the successful license activation icon to a green checkmark.


Version 3.11f Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in two of the expense reports which incorrectly calculated negative amount expenses as positive amounts.
  • Fixed a bug which caused certain month-to-month leases not to appear in the rent roll reports under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug on the report "Account entries for a Landlord (adjusted % owned)" which would sometimes prevent it from generating.
  • Fixed a bug where if the Categories tabbed panel was sorted differently than the default, it would sometimes view the default sorted category.
  • Fixed a bug that made it difficult to enter in the character "-" in the Amount Due field only if the Amount Paid field was pre-populated.
  • Adjusted all the "Late accounting entries" reports to display negative amounts when applicable.
  • Fixed a bug where the autofill comboboxes didn't always list the latest saved entry in the list of selectable items.
  • Fixed a bug in the report "Accounting entries for a category" which changed the color of the amounts column according to the Category currently selected rather than the last category selected when the Generate button was pressed.
  • Fixed a bug where the data printouts didn't default to the address when the building didn't have a name entered.
  • Adjusted the landlord print list from the landlord table to display more digits of the phone number.
  • Fixed a bug where the word "Description" had the last character truncated in some of the report printouts.

5. Version 2.12

5.1. Version 2.12

LandlordMax Property Management Software: New and Noteworthy Features


Table Sorting

All relevant tables can now be sorted by any column in all work areas. In addition, if you sort a report by a specific column then that's the order the report will be printed out in.

As well, the sorting order and the column widths are remembered by the software (with the exceptions of the reports) when you go back to that same table, even when you restart the application.

For an interesting article on what it took to implement this feature, please click here.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Table Sorting

Changed Database Engine

One of the largest changes was upgrading the database engine from HSQLDB to Derby (a database valued at $85 million that was recently open sourced by IBM). This change was significant because Derby is an A.C.I.D. database whereas HSQLDB is not. Click here for an article on the detailed implications of this for LandlordMax.

In addition, HSQLDB had limitations on the size of the database. One limitation was that the result set from a query had to fit entirely in live memory (the allocated RAM), otherwise it would result in an error. As our customer's databases grow, this is becoming more and more of a concern. With Derby, there are no real size limitations, we've successfully tested it with substantial data, more than any one customer should ever use in a lifetime.


You can now add as many pictures as you want for buildings, units, and tenants.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Pictures

Each picture can be renamed and each picture can be viewed in full screen mode (you go back and forth between the images by clicking on Previous or Next).

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Picture Viewer

Logo/Letterhead to all Reports

You can now add a logo/letterhead through the new "Preferences" workarea as seen below.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Logo

This logo/letterhead will now appear on every single printed report automatically.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Logo Print

Edit Report Title

You can now edit the report titles directly within the software. Once edited and the "Print Preview" button is pressed, the new report title is also saved to the database for the next time you return to that report (this way you don't have to remember your custom report title each time)

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Report Title

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Report Title

All Reports

Added an section called "All" to the reports. It lists all the available reports from all the different categories and workareas in one large list

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: All Reports

New Reports
  • Rent Roll - These reports are generated based on the lease information entered for the tenant. It will generate all rents due between the selected periods (which gives you the option of getting the rent roll for this month, this year, etc.). Therefore, if a monthly rent is due but a period of 3 months is selected, then that rental amount will appear 3 times. Additionally, if there is no lease begin date entered, and no start date entered in the report, the report will assume that the start date was today.
    • Rent roll

    • LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Rent Roll Report

    • Rent roll for one building
    • Rent roll grouped by building for one landlord
    • Rent roll grouped by building

    • LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Rent Roll Grouped by Building Print Report

  • Vacancy List - These reports are generated by finding all single resident buildings and multi-unit building units that are not currently associated with a tenant.
    • Vacancy List

    • LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: List All Vacancies Report

    • Vacancy for one building
    • Vacancy grouped by building for one landlord
    • Vacancy grouped by building

    • LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: List All Vacancies Grouped by Building Print Report

  • List tenants grouped by building for one landlord

  • LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: List tenants grouped by building for one landlord Report

  • List all buildings for one landlord

  • LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: List all buildings for one landlord Report

Security Deposit Totals

All the security deposit reports now also display the total amounts at the bottom of the reports.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Security Deposit Report with Totals

Late Fees

Added the ability to store the late fee amount with the lease. This amount is currently only used to store the late fee information with the lease.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Late Fee

The tabbed panel lease table for the tenant now also shows the late fee as the last column rather than showing comments

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Late Fee Table

Property Taxes

Added an informational property taxes field to the "Buildings" workarea

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Late Fee Table

Database Encryption

The database is encrypted using DES algorithm of DES/CBC/NoPadding.

Database Performance Increase

Several new database index tables have been created in version 2.12 to increase the overall database performance. This mostly affects the speed at which reports are generated.

As well, the new version 2.12 of LandlordMax significantly increased the speed of saving data, by 2-3 orders of magnitude on average.

The time it took to shutdown LandlordMax has also been significantly decreased.

Units Sorting

Unit lists now sort unit # first numerically, and then alphanumerically if not possible.

Upgrade Notification

LandlordMax now checks when the program is loaded if a newer version is available. If one is available, it will popup a notification dialog to let you know.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Upgrade Notification

Error Reporting

LandlordMax will now give you the ability to anonymously report errors and issues directly from within the software in the unlikely event should they occur. This gives us the ability to analyze any bugs you anonymously send to us faster.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Error Reporting

Database Management Progress Bar

A progress bar was added when the database is being backed up and restored to give better feedback of what is going through the process.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Backup and restore database progress bar

This is especially helpful if the database is also being upgraded between different versions.

Upgrade License Check

When the software upgrades, it now first checks to see if the license is still valid. If the version is past the year of free ugprades, LandlordMax first ] requests if you want to continue with the upgrades and lets you know you can have a free 30 day trial. If you don't want to continue, it immediately stops with the upgrade leaving your database intact.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: License Upgrade

Invoices Changes Payments To Items

Changed the term for all invoices from "payments", "rental payments", etc. to "items" in the amount tables. With this new terminology, the invoicing is more open to different business models. For example, invoices no longer need to be rental payment amounts, nor do they even need to be payment amounts.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Invoice Items

TextArea Wrapping

All textareas (text fields with multiple lines) will now wrap the text to the next line when it comes to an end of line.

Added Several Default Accounting Categories

When creating a new database, LandlordMax now creates many more default accounting categories.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Default Accounting Categories

Version 2.12 Fixes


Version 2.12a New Features

(Please note that you can click on any image that has been decreased in size to see the full sized image.)

Unit Sorting

Unit sorting now takes into consideration units that are partial numbers and partial letters. If this is the case, it will sort them by numbers first, and letters second. So for example, 1a will now be ahead of 10a because 1 comes before 10 whereas before a basic alphanumeric sort was given. This also affects the units combo boxes.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Unit Sorting

Color Coded Category Combo Box

The category combo boxes are now color coded (red for expenses and green for revenues) throughout the application.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Category Combo Box Color Coded

Color Coded Category Combo Box

If the generated report has no data a warning message now appears letting you know that the report was indeed generated, but that there is no resulting data to display.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: No Data Generated For Report Warning

Increase Combo Box Sizes

All combo boxes have been increased in size throughout LandlordMax to display more information.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Increased Combo Box Sizes

More Detailed Error Reporting

The Error Report functionality now gives the whole stack trace rather than just the first line to greatly simplify determining the cause of any potential issue.

Version 2.12a Fixes


Version 2.12b New Features

Scheduled Accounting Entries and Invoices

A new "4 weeks" Frequency was added to both the Scheduled Accounting Entries and Invoices.

Version 2.12b Fixes


Version 2.12c New Features

Very Significant Performance Improvements

All tables and reports were analyzed and fully reviewed to very significantly increase the performance of LandlordMax, especially for larger databases.

Version 2.12c Fixes


Version 2.12d New Features

Very Significant Performance Improvements To Invoices

Optimized the Invoice Workarea to be over 90% faster, especially the Scheduled and Suggested Invoices Tabbed Panels.

Version 2.12d Fixes


Version 2.12e Fixes

6. Version 1.08

6.1. Version 1.08

Below are listed the most notable upgrades and features for LandlordMax version 1.08b.

7. Version 1.02 - Not available

8. Version 1.00 - Not available