2.1. Version 11.05

Accounting Entries Table Customization  

It is now possible to select which columns you want to appear in the main Accounting Table as well as the Suggested and Scheduled Accounting Entries tabbed panels. This includes not only selecting the widths and sorting as before, but also which columns you want to display and hide, as well as what order the columns should appear in. The printout from the table will also respect these values. Any adjustments and modifications are automatically remembered and saved by software.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Customize accounting entries view


The software includes the ability to manage and print Checks. In addition the checks can be generated directly from the Accounting Entries by just selecting which entries you need checks for. The software is smart enough to combine multiple different Accounting Entries together where appropriate so that you can generate the least amount of checks. So for example if you have three Accounting Entries all going to the same vendor at the same time, then the software will print just one Check with the full amount and include the individual entries as line items in the Check's Statement.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Create checks from Accounting Entries

All checks can be viewed in the new Checks Section, as well as edited, re-printed, etc. As well all relevant data types (Tenants, Landlords, etc.) can view relevant checks in the new Checks tabbed panels in their own Sections.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Check data entry screen

Any type of check can be used within the software by customizing the Check printout and layout in the Preferences Section. With that in mind LandlordMax has partnered with CompuChecks.com so that the default Check printing and layout settings will work out of the box with Checks ordered from them. You can select LandlordMax from their list of software to get the appropriate Checks. And again, any Check can be used if you wish to customize the Check layout within the software.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Customize the printout of checks

Document Management  

You can now store documents and files with Tenants, Landlords, etc. The software supports Word Docx and PDF files.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Document Support

All documents can be viewed directly from within the software as well as printed, exported, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: View Document

There is also a new Template Section within the software which allows you to store template documents to use later such as default lease agreements, eviction notices, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Document Templates


The software has a new Section called Automations which allows specific tasks to be automated. In this release there is currently one automation (more are planned for the future) which allows a property manager and/or property management company to generate all the reports for their clients in one step. They can select to either run all the reports according to the specific settings for one Landlord or if they choose for ALL their Landlords (all Current clients) in one step. If you have hundreds of clients this can generate all the reports you need in one step! You can also save the settings for the next time.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Automation of Tasks

Improved Partial Payments  

A new Partial button has been added to the Accounting Section which when selected will allow you to automatically apply a partial payment to an existing Accounting Entry. In addition to creating a new Accounting Entry based on the existing one, it will also modify the selected Accounting Entry to remove the partial payment from it.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Partial Payment

Scheduled Maintenance  

The Workorders Section now includes both Scheduled and Suggested Workorders so that you can pre-schedule regular maintenance, Workorders, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Scheduled Workorders and regular maintenance

Today For Suggested Entries  

A new Today button has been added to the Suggested Accounting Entries, Suggested Workorders, and Suggested Receipts tabbed panel so that in addition to being able to Accept entries when they are due, you can also now accept them Today.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Today Button For Suggested Entries

Copy Accounting Entries  

A new Copy button has been added to the Accounting Entries which allows you to copy the selected or currently being edited Accouting Entry, including every single field. This is especially useful if you have fairly common entries that you need to replicate on a regular basis.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Copy Accounting Entries

Twenty New Reports  

Many new reports have been added to this version of LandlordMax:

  • Checks for All
  • Checks for Tenant
  • Checks for Landlord
  • Checks for Management
  • Checks for Vendor
  • Checks for Account
  • Checks by Tenant
  • Checks by Landlord
  • Checks by Vendor
  • Checks by Account
  • Profit & loss
  • Profit & loss for building
  • Profit & Loss for landlord
  • Accounting entries grouped by vendor
  • Accounting entries grouped by vendor for one landlord
  • Tenant Profile
  • Mailing Labels for tenants
  • Mailing Labels for landlords
  • Mailing Labels for tenants for a building

Mailing Labels  

It's now possible to print mailing labels for tenants and landlords directly from within the software. This includes the ability to print mailing labels based on status (for example all "Current" Tenants or Landlords) as well as the ability to print just Tenants of a specific building for notices and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mailing Labels Create

The software supports Avery 5160 and Avery 8160 (Inkjet and Laser) printer formats of mailing labels.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Mailing Labels Print

Improved Pro-Rated Rents  

A new Pro-Rated checkbox has been added to the Lease. As a result if a rent is now pro-rated (and it's monthly) then the software will automatically create a pro-rated Suggested Entry for the first rent and start the Scheduled Entries from the next month on the 1st of that month.

In addition to this the Rent Roll reports now look at this new Pro-Rated field when calculating the rents, and any rents that need to be pro-rated will be automatically calculated in the Rent Roll reports.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Pro-rated rents

Renew Leases  

You can now renew leases from the Lease tabbed panel with one step. The software will take the Lease you want to renew, apply the rent increase amount, etc., and create a new Lease for you based on the existing information, including the new Lease Begin Date, Lease End Date, Rent, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Renew lease

New Building and Landlord Statuses  

Similar to Tenants, the Buildings and Landlords can now be assigned a Status such as Current, etc. This allows for better filtering and reporting.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: New Statuses

In addition to this the drop down menus for the Buildings and Landlords are also sorted by Status first and then alphabetically.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Status sorting on drop down menus

Profit And Loss Reports  

Added a new Profit and Loss Report in the Reports Section to specifically address and summarize the different Entries and Categories.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Profit and Loss Report

Tenant Profile Report  

You can now print the Tenant's Profile Report when viewing or selecting a tenant from the Tenant Section. This report includes the ability to select which of a number of the tabbed panels you want to include in the Tenant Profile Report.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Tenant Profile Report

This report is especially useful if for example you need to print out Notes, Events, and so on for court cases and such. In the Network Edition only Managers and Administrators Users can print the detailed Tenant Profile Report for security reasons.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Tenant Profile Report

Commercial Tenant Support  

The software now has much better support for Commercial Tenants, including new data appropriate fields such as Company name, etc. for Commercial Tenants

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Commercial Tenant

Tenant Conversion Support  

Tenants can be converted between Commercial to Residential Tenants with the use of the new Convert button. This is especially useful for people who have already created Tenants they wish to convert as well as for small business Tenants that may change their type over time.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: Convert Tenant

Many New Data Filters  

New filters have been added to most of the table views to improve management of the data. This includes everything from new date filters such as "This Year", "Last Year", new Status filters for Buildings, Landlords, and so on.

LandlordMax Property Management Software New Feature Screenshot: New Filters

Miscellaneous New Features

  • Added the tenant's phone number on the Workorder printed out form.
  • All pictures can now be exported.
  • Significantly improved the performance of the Rent Roll reports.
  • Added TLS email support.
  • Improved the startup performance by reducing certain calls and added multi-threading where possible.
  • Late fee now analyzes all the tenant's leases to pick the most appropriate lease from which to get the late fee rather than the first one it found.
  • Added the ability to turn off tooltips in the Preferences Section. By default the table tooltips are now turned off on Macs.
  • All City, State, and Country fields now automatically update the first letter to be uppercased if it was not done so before.
  • Several new date format options have been added.
  • New frequencies have been added.
  • Significantly improved the performance on Date filters.
  • Significantly improved the performance when deleting larger numbers of items.
  • Date format example uses today's date.
  • Added comments fields to leases.
  • NSF amounts no longer show in Late accounting reports.
  • Added the ability to adjust and set the timeout options for the Network Editions.
  • Removed the automatic appending of the date to emailed reports and instead just use the report name.
  • Management Fee is now one of the default Categories when you start a new database.
  • Improved the performance of the creation of reports by reducing the number of database calls.
  • Upgraded the database engine to the latest version.
  • Improved the ability of the software to open up the browser (click on a link) within the software to avoid AV conflicts.
  • Management now requires a name otherwise it can no longer be saved.
  • Added comments fields to the leases.
  • Added Square Footage to both Buildings and Units when appropriate.
  • General Preference dropdown menu is now alphabetically sorted.
  • Report "List of expiring leases for a building" now checks that a building is selected before trying to run.
  • One year of free upgrades with purchases has been adjusted to three months.
  • Added color coding to the Categories column in the Accounting tables.
  • Updated Outlook connection system.
  • Improved the bug reporting system.
  • Improved the handling of incorrectly shutdown systems.
  • Significantly improved the performance of all calculations that are scheduled.
  • The software now adds ".ran" to any backed up database file if this is not set.
  • Improved the sorting of the tenants.
  • No longer allow duplicate Category names or Categories to be created without a name.
  • Several improvements to License authentication to make it easier for people to validate their license.
  • Select All (Ctl-A) now selects all the items without selecting the Total row.
  • Updated the runtime environment to the latest available.
  • It is now possible to try the Landlord User Type in trial mode of the Network Editions.
  • Error report screen now automatically scrolls to the top of the error message.
  • When a new Account is created through the popup dialog the software will now automatically select that Account in the dropdown menu.
  • Improved the security levels for the Personnel User.
  • Account tabbed panel now includes the ability to store a signature for Check printing. The image is encrypted for security reasons.
  • Removed the email attachment label when not appropriate.

Version 11.05 Fixes

  • Fixed a concurency bug where two users could save the same Suggested Entries.
  • Significantly improved the error handling of incorrect logins on the Client so that it's much much quicker.
  • Improved the progress bar on software startup and database upgrades to be more accurate.
  • Improved the formatting of the rent amount on the Lease tabbed panel.
  • Fixed a bug with image files names that contained periods such as Image.Filename.jpg.
  • The Zip and Country fields are now all in the same order on all the forms.
  • Fixed a bug on Mac 10.6 where instead of just not working because it's an obsolete and unsupported system, the software now lets you know it's not a supported system.
  • Fixed several reasons where the software could get a ShutdownException
  • Adjusted the program to display an error message instead of an error report where appropriate.
  • Fixed a bug where sending an email with no message could cause an error in some setups.
  • Fixed several minor and rare bugs related to sending emails.
  • Fixed a bug in the Rent Roll Reports where the Security Deposit column could be truncated.
  • Fixed a bug where when sending emails through Outlook it could fail if the character used to separate emails was not exact.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bcc email preference could be set with an empty value for the Bcc email, which in turn could result in an error when trying to send out an email.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in an error when trying to send an email with no to email address.
  • Fixed a bug where the software created a new trial database and was shutdown midway through could corrupt the database.
  • Fixed a bug on two reports where if only a Start Date was entered (without an End Date) the report could in some rare cases ignore the Start Date.
  • Fixed a bug where an invalidated license could sometimes display that the license was refunded rather than invalid.
  • Fixed a bug on the Network Editions for the Personnel User where it was possible in a very specific situation for the Personnel User to see an expense.


Version 11.05a Fixes


  • Fixed a bug to in the database upgrade script for a specific case where the software was not able to update the database.


Version 11.05b New Features


  • All table column headers in the Reports stay at the top of the screen while scrolling.
  • Updated the Code Signing certificate to V2 for Apple Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick)
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.
  • Improved the license messaging on the About screen.
  • Removed the ability to try upgrades with existing databases to reduce customer confusion in regards to data portability between versions.

Version 11.05b Fixes


  • Fixed a critical bug where the P&L report total could be different on the printed sheet of paper than what was shown in the software.
  • Fixed a bug where if the tenants have empty names for both companies and residential tenants it could cause an error comparing them (sorting order).
  • Fixed an additional sorting bug for tenants.
  • Fixed the color rendering for the accounting table where late amounts could be rendered the incorrect color in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug with leases that have empty frequencies (it is no longer possible to have an empty Frequency for Scheduled Entries).
  • Fixed a bug where the Server and/or Client would not work on some specific Mac environments.
  • Late entries are now stored as "" rather than "0.00" for the Amount Paid to better work with Partial Payments.
  • Partial payments now work on entries that have "0.00" as well as an empty value.
  • Fixed a bug with the sorting order of the Tasks
  • Fixed a bug with the Data Filters in the Accounting Tabbed Panel for Tenants, Buildings, etc that could result in no filters being applied in some scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug with the payee on the report "Checks for an account" where the payee might not be displayed.
  • Fixed the P&L Report where if you had the same name for an expense and revenue category it could result in incorrect groupings of the accounting entries for these categories (for example if you have an expense "Misc" Category and a revenue "Misc" category).
  • Fixed a bug in some reports for the "NSF" value.
  • Fixed a bug where a category name is the same for an expense and a revenue for accounting entries sorting.
  • Fixed a bug with the Frequency incorrectly updating the data entry screen in the Scheduled Entries.


Version 11.05c New Features


  • All table column headers in the Reports stay at the top of the screen while scrolling.
  • Updated the Code Signing certificate to V2 for Apple Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick)
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.
  • Improved the license messaging on the About screen.
  • Removed the ability to try upgrades with existing databases to reduce customer confusion in regards to data portability between versions.


Version 11.05c Fixes


  • Improved the performance by up to 83% for the main Accounting Entries table for larger databases that had more Units. This will be more noticeable for people who have 500+ units in their database
  • Fixed a bug with the cashflow reports that was specific to certain data scenarios where although the data was accurate, the same month/year row could appear as multiple line items rather than just a single line item in a small number of the cashflow reports.
  • Fixed a bug where the row highlighting in the Accounting Entries tabbed panel could be incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug where the written in words amount on a printed check could in some cases be incorrectly round up to the next dollar if the cent amount was about 50 cents or higher (the check amount was always correct this only affected the written in words amount).
  • Fixed a bug where the tenant filter was using All instead of the previously selected filters in the tenant list on the first list after a startup.
  • Fixed a sorting bug in the tenants where if you had blank tenant names in some cases it could cause an error.
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.


Version 11.05d Fixes


  • Fixed a critical bug on Macs where the selected tabbed panel in some cases (racing condition) would be the previously selected one, resulting in the table not correctly being updated in the list view.
  • Fixed a bug in the mailing labels where on some systems it could mix the list of addresses.
  • Fixed a bug where the State and Zip for the mailing label on the third column could in some cases use the second column's State and Zip.
  • Fixed a bug where selecting the tenant would not longer automatically select the building and unit if the same tenant was selected again on a new accounting entry screen.
  • Fixed a bug where some reports could fail if you selected an empty Start Date but had an End Date entered for the Rent roll reports.
  • Upgraded the software to use the latest version of programming language.
  • Updated the JVM to the latest version.


Version 11.05e New Features


  • Major upgrade of the installer software to better support latest versions of Windows and Mac OS X.
  • Completed final updates to Java 8 before the upcoming EOL (End of Life) of Java 7 on April 2015. The software is now FULLY updated to Java 8.


Version 11.05e Fixes


  • Fixed a critical bug where the Frequency in the Lease tabbed panel may not have been updated correctly in some cases which sometimes lead to unexpected behaviours.
  • Adjusted the vacancy reports to no longer included non-current buildings.


Version 11.05f Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where the check number wasn't automatically updated in the Checks workarea.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in an error in some situations when creating a new 30 day free trial database.
  • Improved the handling of invalid licenses.
  • Fixed a bug on the check printout in the memo field where there was a blank line through the memo field.
  • Updated internal library dependencies.


Version 11.05g Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug with the report Accounting entries for a building where the last column had the column header truncated on the printout.
  • Updated several libraries and embedded systems


Version 11.05h Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug related to the Network Editions for larger items such as documents, etc. caused by a recent OS update that affected LandlordMax.
  • Fixed a potential bug where a display value could be null.
  • Updated the embedded JVM


Version 11.05i Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated the Word document preview window to work with the latest version of MS Word.
  • Update the Outlook links to work with the latest versions of MS Outlook.
  • Updated the installer software.


Version 11.05j Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where the check print preview could be blank if there were too many line items for said check.
  • Fixed a bug which could result in the Category not allowing an update if you didn't also edit the Name field.
  • Updated internal third party libraries.


Version 11.05k Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated and improved the SSL communication for all Network Editions.
  • Fixed an issue where McAfee Antivirus would sometimes incorrectly block LandlordMax due to a false positive.
  • Updated internal third party libraries.


Version 11.05l Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated several internal libraries.
  • Several other minor improvements (for example updated the copyright date, etc.)


Version 11.05m Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated the code signing certificate to the SHA2 standard now required since the Microsoft Windows update KB3123479 on Jan 12, 2016. This resolves all issues where people were incorrectly getting an error message from Internet Explorer and Edge saying the software was corrupted. The software will now download and run as expected. That being said please note that you will continue to be prompted by Microsoft Smartscreen that the software is an unrecognized app. This is normal for third party applications being installed on Microsoft Windows.


Version 11.05n Improvements and Fixes


  • Updated internal libraries and systems.
  • Fixed an issue where the printed report "List of workorders grouped by tenant" did not print the tenant's name.
  • Fixed an issue where the category totals were not correctly added on only the printouts for the report "Accounting entries grouped by category (adjusted for % owned).
  • Fixed an issue where the Amount Remaining column did not appear on only the printouts for the report "All accounting revenue entries".


Version 11.05o Improvements and Fixes


  • Significantly improved the startup speed of the software. You should expect to see the startup time to decrease up to more than 65% to 90% on most computer systems.
  • Improved the readability of the selected items in the drop down menus for the tenant and building by adjusting the font color to white when appropriate.
  • Update three internal libraries


Version 11.05p Improvements and Fixes


  • Fixed a bug which could result in a timed out connection for customers with larger databases.
  • Fixed a bug where the Accounting table's column preferences were not saved on restart for some users.
  • The popup backup reminder now includes the .ran file extension if it's not entered.
  • The New button on the right side menu in the Tenant list correctly requires the tenant type to be selected before creating the new tenant.
  • Update internal libraries and installer software.


Version 11.05q Improvements and Fixes


  • Get in Invoices should use Date Due and Amount Due values rather than Date Paid and Amount Paid values.
  • Get in Invoices should display the Amount Due in the table rather than the Amount Paid value.
  • Mortgage interest rate now supports up to 3 digits.
  • Import/Export now always starts in the Database Management Section.
  • Fixed a bug where the data filters for the Tasks table was not honored when re-starting the software.
  • Fixed a bug with the cashflow grouped by account report which could result in an error if the start date was missing in some special cases.
  • Fixed a bug where the building type was not displayed in the data entry view for the building under vendors.
  • Fixed a historical typo in the Preferences where it stated To do which is now called Task.
  • Fixed a bug where when you deleted a building the deleted building the deletion wasn't always immediately updated in the building list.
  • Added the Category in the report printout "Accounting entries for a category for a tenant".
  • Menu title for Import/Export section was not visible on initial load.
  • Fixed a bug in the Workorder Data Filters where the Unit filter wasn't always remembered.
  • Change the date from 2016 to 2017 in the LandlordMax logo.

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